Hi,I'm David. Programming is my passion, and I hope that rio will make coding easier and more fun.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @d4vid's 5 stories for 14 days 1 hours and 25 minutes.
ControlCplusControlV, Interested in Blockchain and high efficiency programming
JudoCoder.com, JudoCoder.com helps you prepare for programming interviews so you can land your dream job!
Ankush Singla, Ankush Singla is a co-founder at Coding Ninjas and he specialized in Programming, Data & Development
Programming with Shahan, I train people how to program in a fun & easy way ಠ‿↼ ⌐╦╦═─ #JavaScript #Python #Technews
Icodes, A python programmer and founder of blog.icodes.tech programming blog