Maria K
Data Scientist at Monzo Bank, London, UK
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @bemorelavender's 1 stories for 1 months 29 days 23 hours and 56 minutes.
Kapil Raghuwanshi, JavaScript Ecosystem Hacker | Machine Learning Enthusiast | Angular, React, Node | Tech Writer.
luminousmen, helping robots conquer the earth and trying not to increase entropy using Python, Data Engineering and Machine Learning
Parul Dhingra, Software Enginner | Blogger | A brain ambidextrous geek | Machine Learning Enthusiasts
David Herron, A writer and software engineer based in Silicon Valley, focused on machine learning, EV's, Node.js.
Andrey Nikishaev, Machine Learning and Computer Vision Researcher. Founder LearnML.Today