“A robot army isn’t an ideal opponent, but I would have a water gun”by@storytemplates
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“A robot army isn’t an ideal opponent, but I would have a water gun”

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Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? Head to the navigation bar, and look at the writing prompts under the Write tab.
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Tech Story Templates by HackerNoon Editors HackerNoon profile picture

Introducing Hacker Noon’s Official Writing Prompts! Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? Head to the navigation bar, and look at the writing prompts under the Write tab. The below set of questions is template number 8. ’Share your philosophy.’ Simply click on the template and start writing, it will automatically create a draft in your account.

HN Reporter: If automation replaces 70 percent of all possible human jobs, what do you think people will spend their time doing?

I don’t think that’s the only variable to consider. We’d have to see how far we have progressed in terms of interplanetary travel, what the status of the environment is, what the status of the interactions between human and machine is, and where we are at in terms of genetics research.

If everything was very similar to how it is now, I would say a large portion of the population would be focused on creative efforts and embracing self-actualization in some version of a creator economy –while becoming progressively more cyborg, a large portion would be living almost entirely virtually, and a notable portion would be out there taking risks and exploring and researching the universe.

Naturally, another good portion of the population would be trying to destroy everything around them for stupidity’s sake.

In such a case, what do you think the governance structure will look like?

I think that if you compare the income disparity of - say - people in the Middle Ages in Europe to the Western world now, and use that income disparity decrease as a prediction variable, it’s quite possible we’ll establish a much more balanced system… especially with the help of AI.

That being said, I don’t think true equity fits into humanity’s predisposition. Although, whether that’s truly the case is yet to be ‘properly’ tested. Observationally speaking, people have different talents, brain capabilities, and motivation levels.

A concept presented in The Matrix movies for example suggests true equality presents as unnatural.

Do you think it’s possible technological advancement will be able to outsmart human greed? Why?

Robotics is supposed to adhere to certain laws. When you allow it to progress beyond that, you lose a certain element of control, and once that happens, outsmarting greed will be the least of humanity’s worries.

Greed is innate, just like love, or hunger. It’s part of the human experience. It can be mediated and controlled (it should be) so in that sense perhaps it can be ‘outsmarted,’ but will it ever go away? Unlikely.

In the race against Armageddon vs technology, which do you think will win, why?

In this case there’s only hope. If technology doesn’t win, then what a miraculous ‘waste’ of incredible discovery and talent. There’s intelligence here. It should continue to move forward and beyond.

Could you survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland?

Depends on the state of toxicity of the wasteland. But I’m a fighter, so I would bet on myself.

Are you afraid of a robot army? How would you fight against one if you had to?

A robot army isn’t an ideal opponent, but I would have a water gun, and would prep myself on understanding the science behind various disarming technologies. Something about magnetic fields?

Could you survive in a bunker? How would you do it? How would you go without trackers picking up your radio frequencies?

Very likely. The second part of this question was written so you’d give me ideas.

What in life is truly objective and not subjective?

Nothing really, but I believe in the scientific approach.

What is consciousness?

Being as far away from the dream state as possible. Awareness. Accurate interpretation of the physical world.

What’s your favourite fractals formula? Please explain and show the result.

Make one for yourself here:

It’s just so profoundly stunning. We need to fix the lax culture surrounding math and education in the Western world.

Do we have free will?

Depends on what country you live in.

‘Jokes’ aside, I think that at any given moment there are a large number of possibilities. You have a choice. You can leave your house and start eating dirt if you feel like it. I think part of the reason we have to have laws in a civilized society is due to the abundance of free will.

Would you kill 10 people to save 100? Why?

Depends on the situation.

Does life require a purpose and a goal?

If you want to live a life that has even a remote chance of bringing you satisfaction, then yeah you should assign goals and a purpose to yourself. It’s basic human psychology.

Is mind or matter more real?

Well, the mind consists of matter, so…

Does observation alter an event?

Even if you ignore quantum physics theories (you shouldn’t), your experience is always subjective.

What is infinity?

It’s an 8 turned on its side.

Does fate exist?

No. Strength, effort, calculated risk, and determination exist.

Is life all a dream?

In part. The brain has a lot to do with constructing how you experience what is real. That means most of your ‘reality’ is at least in part entirely an illusion.

What is intelligence?

Memory, processing speed, critical thinking, and depth at which a brain can process information, as well as adaptability, and comprehension.

Why do we dream?

Random neuronal firings. And the brain trying to make sense of it.

Is it possible time is being altered right now?

Yes. E = mc^2. Visit space, you can do that now. More info.

These questions were answered by Ellen Stevens.

Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? The link for the template is HERE, just start writing! Interested in what others had to say in their answers? Click HERE. Interested in reading the content from all of our writing prompts? Click HERE.