A Roadmap for Addressing Critical Challenges in Human-Machine Social Systemsby@ethnology
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A Roadmap for Addressing Critical Challenges in Human-Machine Social Systems

by Ethnology TechnologyDecember 19th, 2024
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This study unifies diverse research on human-machine systems, uncovering shared dynamics and context-specific challenges. It calls for mechanism-driven research to tackle pressing issues like misinformation, market instability, and safety, emphasizing the importance of understanding human-AI interactions.
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This is Part 12 of a 12-part series based on the research paper Human-Machine Social Systems.”

Abstract and Introduction

Human-machine interactions

Collective outcomes

Box 1: Competition in high-frequency trading markets

Box 2: Contagion on Twitter

Box 3: Cooperation and coordination on Wikipedia

Box 4: Cooperation and contagion on Reddit


Implications for research

Implications for design

Implications for policy

Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, and Competing interests


This survey synthesizes relatively disparate literature based on agent-based models, controlled experiments, online field interventions, and observational analyses from human-computer interaction, robotics, web science, financial economics, and computational social science under a common theoretical framework: human-machine social systems. We identify common dynamics and patterns that emerge from the interactions of humans and autonomous machines regardless of the specific context, as well as peculiarities and unique problems that concrete techno-organizational and sociocultural environments generate.

Our utmost ambition is to stimulate cumulative empirically driven and mechanism-focused sociological research in the emerging, fast-evolving field of human-AI science. At stake are new and urgent social challenges such as online misinformation, market flash crashes, cybersecurity, labor market resilience, and road safety. With increasing social connectivity and accelerating developments in AI, understanding the complex interactions between humans and autonomous machines is a challenging undertaking, but one that is crucially important for a better human future.


MT acknowledges the generous support of the Santa Fe Institute during the period when the research was conducted. TY was partially funded by the Irish Research Council under grant number IRCLA/2022/3217, ANNETTE (Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Collective Intelligence). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


(1) Milena Tsvetkova, Department of Methodology, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom;

(2) Taha Yasseri, School of Sociology, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland and Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland;

(3) Niccolo Pescetelli, Collective Intelligence Lab, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, USA;

(4) Tobias Werner, Center for Humans and Machines, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.