2 Dark matter through ALP portal and 2.1 Introduction
2.3 Existing constraints on ALP parameter space
3 A two component dark matter model in a generic 𝑈(1)𝑋 extension of SM and 3.1 Introduction
3.3 Theoretical and experimental constraints
3.4 Phenomenology of dark matter
3.5 Relic density dependence on 𝑈(1)𝑋 charge 𝑥𝐻
4 A pseudo-scalar dark matter case in 𝑈(1)𝑋 extension of SM and 4.1 Introduction
4.3 Theoretical and experimental constraints
D Feynman diagrams in two-component DM model
In the next subsections, we discuss various parts of the lagrangian of the model,
where 𝛼 is the mixing angle. The rotation matrix satisfies
The real and imaginary components of 𝜒 have the following masses
To determine the gauge boson spectrum, we have to expand the scalar kinetic terms and replace
The Yukawa sector of the model can be written in a gauge-invariant way as
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(1) Shivam Gola, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.