53 Stories To Learn About Enterprise Softwareby@learn
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53 Stories To Learn About Enterprise Software

by Learn RepoJune 30th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Enterprise Software via these 53 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Enterprise Software via these 53 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. How to Build a Data-Driven Product Using Metabase

Metabase is a business intelligence tool that lets you access your data in a read-only manner.

2. Startup Interview with Erik Norgaard, HOLLYFY Founder / CEO

Built for the creator economy. Empowering small businesses. Expanding spheres of influence. Erik Norgaard shares the origin story of Hollyfy.

3. Cheap Architecture vs Clean Architecture

How abstract is too abstract?

4. Startup Interview with Dmitry Bubnov, CEO Of ENBISYS

ENBISYS CEO shares his tips on running software development company and how his team manages to stay abreast of technology development.

5. Quarkus vs. Spring Boot - A Brief Overview

When you look at the advanced programming frameworks popular among developers, you will notice that Quarkus and Spring Boot hold prominent places.

6. The Importance of a Single Source of Truth for Enterprises

A single source of truth (SSOT) enables that synchronization. A company with SSOT relies on one and only one point of reference for the latest, aggregated info.

7. Migrating From Oracle Forms to APEX? I’ve Done it and Here’s Why I Think You Should Too

What is the matter with Forms’ support? Why migrate to APEX? What are the benefits? In this article, I’ll provide you with answers to these questions.

8. How to Set up a Framework: A Developer’s Guide

New developers often don’t know how to set up a framework for smart contract development to make the process as efficient and secure as possible.

9. How to Ensure the Success of Microservices-based Projects

Microservices-based projects are a great idea to deliver products in less time and with great flexibility/agility.

10. What is Legacy Software? - An Introductory Guide

Legacy software is any software that you are not writing right now. I like this definition because it removes the stigma.

11. One Stable Credit For Building On All Blockchains

A lot of my recent research has been around cryptocurrency as money - and how stable assets are the core to scaling the industry and building reputation and trust. I believe that creating price stability often through collateralization, whether that’s with fiat currencies like the dollar or pound, cryptocurrencies like ethereum or bitcoin, or commodities like gold and oil, will be essential to many web3 innovations in the coming decade.

12. How Automation in Contract Management Can Optimize Business Negotiations

Contract management software for small businesses optimizes negotiations so you can spend more time expanding your brand.

13. Building a Large-Scale Interactive SQL Query Engine with Open Source Software

This is a collaboration between Baolong Mao's team at and my team at Alluxio. The original article was published on Alluxio's blog. This article describes how JD built an interactive OLAP platform combining two open-source technologies: Presto and Alluxio.

14. Difference Between a Platform and a Framework

Difference between Platform and Framework.

15. Accounting Automation is a Prerequisite for Business Growth and Development

Technology has enabled professionals from diverse fields to delegate repetitive manual tasks to software programs, giving them time to do more interesting and creative work and allowing for professional development. In the field of accounting, new software is able to take on complex calculations and bookkeeping, giving CPAs the ability to perform previously laborious tasks with just a couple of mouse clicks.

16. A Guide to Picking the Right Facility Maintenance Strategy

Choosing the right facility maintenance strategy greatly depends on understanding your organization demands, legal requirements, the software you use and cost.

17. Why Cloudera, Yugabyte, and Chef Went Open Source

Will Open Source Get More Open in 2020?

18. How To Survive The Journey of ERP Implementation At Your Business

So you want to implement an ERP system. As a manager you should be aware that ERP projects are uniquely difficult to control.

19. 5 Reasons Why You Need To Embrace Visual Programming Solutions

COVID-19 proved to a lot of organizations that we’re not as digital as we like to think we are – even today’s top enterprises are still relatively ‘old-school’ and are behind in their digitalization progress.

20. What to Look for When Choosing Business Process Management Software

Why BPM is so important and what are the key features you should pay attention to when choosing such tools?

21. Stop Introducing "Just Any" Software Into Your Business

To ensure that organizations have a cohesive approach to purchasing and introducing new tools, companies should standardize their software procurement process.

22. The Discovery Phase Is Crucial To Your Software Development Project and Here's Why

Learn why the Discovery Phase is important and how you can benefit from such a preliminary comprehensive analysis.

23. What Holds People Back from Recording a Video at Work and How Guidde Solved It

The purpose of Guidde is to help people, like you, record their videos. They may have numerous reasons why they haven’t started yet, and that’s where we come in

24. "Software Management Is A Challenge For Every Company Of Every Size," David Campbell, Tropic CEO

Tropic wants you to fall in love with procurement. See how this startup is transforming an underserved industry in an interview with their CEO, David Campbell.

25. An Intro to Real-Time Data Anchoring and Legacy ERP Systems

Comprehensive data visibility is still a big challenge in enterprise resource planning.

26. Data Location Awareness: The Benefits of Implementing Tiered Locality

Tiered Locality is a feature led by my colleague Andrew Audibert at Alluxio. This article dives into the details of how tiered locality helps provide optimized performance and lower costs. The original article was published on Alluxio’s engineering blog

27. The Aftermath of Going Enterprise

Factors to consider in scaling your enterprise solution: the do's , the don'ts and the maybe.

28. 5 Main Things That Will Help You Understand Why Technology Is Important In Business

Technology in business is a phenomenon that is taking over the world. Business is certainly not going anywhere anytime soon; technology is the only way to go. Business needs to have the right tools in place to compete in a competitive corporate environment.

29. What to Choose to Implement Audio/Video Calls Solution Using WebRTC?

Mad Devs have been working with WebRTC since 2013. We have implemented several projects with video or audio calls enabled. That’s why I want to share my thoughts on when to build your own solution from scratch, when to use open source alternatives and when to order a custom solution from a third-party vendor.

30. How to Choose the Right Omnichannel Platform for Your Business?

Moving towards digital communication at scale has always been a tedious task for all types of businesses, no matter the industry you're serving or the size of your business. With so many technological advances companies are now looking for new ways to enhance and improve their customer experience and at the same time to save in operational costs.

31. Design: A Strategic Capability for Businesses

This is a summary from my interview with Tim Bouckley. The conversation is apropos the evolution of design as a capability within the software field, and its role in traditional companies’ digital transformation.

32. SAP Commerce Cloud Vs. Salesforce Commerce Cloud Vs. Magento [A Comparison]

The e-commerce industry is one of the most rapidly changing ones. A constant stream of new tendencies, innovative technology, and the growing needs of the customers are the factors that make e-commerce business owners follow these rules to stay afloat.

33. Best JavaScript Framework Alternatives to Open Source

Every organization has different tools to support internal processes. As companies scale, IT teams are faced with the growing complexity of user requirements, which often go beyond the capacity of consumer software.

34. Enterprise Intranets: How Well Are You Protected?

Intranets are vital communication hubs for many companies. According to Simpplr’s Employee Engagement Statistics: 2018, over 70% of professionals involved in employee engagement and internal communications consider intranets to be an essential aspect of their strategy. Indeed, it is on corporate intranets where employees not only collaborate but also share their ideas, express opinions and attitudes to everything that happens in a company.

35. Best ERP Software for SMEs in India

Small and medium-sized enterprises are fast realizing the need of having an enterprise resourcing planning (ERP) software in place. The software that can help manage the day to day business activities such as accounting, sales, finance, procurement, planning, and supply chain operations. So, if you have been running a legacy system you may already know the value that an ERP provides. It eliminates instances of data duplication, mitigates errors, and automates businesses like never before.

36. One Map to Rule Them All Doesn't Work in 2021

The ‘One Map Fits All’ approach doesn’t fit all, as it lacks the ability to support the unique use cases of an organization.

37. Three Things the Coronavirus Confirmed About Enterprise Security

With virtually every non-essential business forced to rely on new technology and embrace different ways of working, the coronavirus pandemic has presented organizations with numerous obstacles. While much attention has been paid to how companies can best navigate these challenges, it’s important that we also recognize another truth emerging from our new normal: enterprise security still leaves much to be desired.

38. The Distinction Between Enterprise Companies And Consumer Companies is Blurring

"All models are wrong." George Box, the statistician is supposed to have said. Unfortunately, like he also continued to say, some are useful. Whenever I try to take a step back and think about the broader investing landscape, that remains true.

39. How to Determine the Features Necessary for Your MVP

The right features of MVP will help you maintain your product quality and functionality, without budget and time overspending.

40. Corporate YouTube: Helping You Manage Growing Enterprise Video Data

Learn how corporate YouTube automates video content management helping you meet end-to-end enterprise video needs

41. Enterprise Mobile Applications: Are they a Trend or a Necessity?

Mobile devices have redefined the way we interact with digital technology, and enterprise mobile applications are probably the most interesting example of this shift. While they hold considerable potential for improving business operations, you’ll be right to wonder whether they can really fulfill all the trendy promises seen in the media. Below is a detailed analysis of what these apps can really do and how to harness their potential while avoiding the risks.

42. Lowering TCO of Enterprise IT Systems during COVID-19

As an eternal optimist, I've always wanted to live through an economic recession as a working professional and finally, the time might be here.

43. How to Get Started With Enterprise Automation: Tips From ITRex

You’ve probably noticed this trend of automating tasks, processes, and even complete departments. Maybe, your company is also considering implementing an intelligent process automation solution, but you still haven’t found the answer to the following questions:

44. A Helpful Guide to Enterprise Mobile App Development  

Here's a step-by-step guide for enterprise mobile app development. It is a good read for enterprise executives who don't know where to start.

45. Software Package or Specific Development

A company requires many IT systems to run its business, and typically spends a few percent of its revenue on building and operating those IT systems. A typical IT system will live for a decade and sometimes much more before being replaced.

46. How to use NLP to SQL API?

Data is useless without the ability to easily get and act on it. The success of future enterprises will combine sophisticated information collection with better user experience, and the Natural Language User Interface comprises much of this user experience.

47. How to Use A/B Testing for Product Design Improvement

This guide defines that approach, and how you can use A/B testing for product design improvement.

48. Manufacturing Automation: What Processes You Should Automate in 2020 to Get More Efficiency

The modern world is bombarded with the flow of advanced technologies. Cloud and quantum computing, Internet of Things, AI, 3D printing, and a plethora of other technologies ushered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution quickly change the usual way we perceive high technology and promise unfathomable horizons of opportunities.

49. An Analysis of Key Players in the Software Defined Storage (SDS) Market for 2022

This blog examines the top Software-Defined-Storage (SDS) market players for 2022 and highlights the importance of each one as an enterprise solution.

50. Secure Software Development Lifecycle: Stages, Methods & Best Practices

This article is a short guide to SDLC stages, methods, and best practices.

51. Why Should Your Business Adopt Cloud-Based IT Solutions?

Data storage and access have long been a concern for businesses. A ton of data is created daily, and efficient storage is a must to keep track of everything.

52. Enterprise Software Is the Hardest Software To Write

There is a perception that enterprise software is easy. The thought process goes something like: “How can adding up numbers and producing reports be as hard to do as programming image recognition, or writing software to control nuclear power plants?”

53. NEM Introduces Symbol & A New Multi-Layer Network for Enhanced Trustlessness

Kailin O'Donnell is the Director and Co-Founder of NEM Ventures, the VC and Investments arm of the NEM Blockchain Ecosystem. Kailin is a DLT advocate who has been deeply involved in NEM since before launch, coding some early SDKs for NIS1 and Symbol, and has assisted multiple companies building on the NEM blockchain.

Thank you for checking out the 53 most read stories about Enterprise Software on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.