469 Stories To Learn About Self Improvementby@learn
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469 Stories To Learn About Self Improvement

by Learn RepoSeptember 18th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Self Improvement via these 469 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Self Improvement via these 469 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

"There's no genre more discredited than self-help. It's become synonymous with sentimentality, idiocy and hucksterism. This verdict is not unfair. The book covers are frequently garish; the promises overblown. But to dismiss the idea that underpins self-help—that one might at points stand in urgent need of solace and education—seems an austerely perverse prejudice." — Alain de Botton

1. How I Designed My Own Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Degree 

After noticing my programming courses in college were outdated, I began this year by dropping out of college to teach myself machine learning and artificial intelligence using online resources. With no experience in tech, no previous degrees, here is the degree I designed in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from beginning to end to get me to my goal — to become a well-rounded machine learning and AI engineer.

2. An Evidence-Based Guide to Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancement [Comic]

After years of listening to people preach misinformed rubbish about nootropics and cognitive enhancement, I decided to do the responsible thing and write a comic to preach myself.

3. Transitioning to Product Management: Resume Writing Tips for Novices

Useful tips on how to write your resume if you are looking for a product manager job.

4. Dear Aspiring Data Scientists: Skip the Certificates, Do This Instead

If you've been on LinkedIn anytime in the past several months, you've probably come across the infamous "certification post."

5. Learn How to Learn, Before Learning How to Code

While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.

6. 3 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a Developer

It's been over a month now since I last wrote an article here for my blog. I've been struggling a lot with low mood, which has meant that I haven't had the motivation or the energy to produce new content. I have been getting help, which I've found really useful, so I thought I'd share some of the things I've learned in the hope that it might help other developers in a similar position.

7. Mastering Trade-Offs for Effective Product Management

Naturally, the responsibility of choosing the right solution by assessing every aspect of the problem and its possible solutions falls on the shoulders of product managers. As a matter of fact, most common challenges faced by product managers are hefted with the weight of trade-offs. You can learn how to deal with these tradeoffs just by keeping a few things in mind and having a structured decision-making process.

8. I’m an engineer, how do I become a tech leader?

<em>I had questions when starting my career, more since and plenty today. I’ll give my personal story for the ones I’ve experienced and bug a friend or two for the ones I haven’t. A few other topics I’ll be covering:</em>

9. How I Use Notion to Manage My Relationship

A list of reasons why you should try documenting your relationship on Notion

10. Landing A Job At Twitter As A Software Engineer [How I Did It]

This is the story of how I landed a job at Twitter as a full-time software engineer, what I went through, how I prepared and why I finally decided to join the company.

11. The Feynman Learning Technique: How to Learn Anything Well

It is 1941 and you have a problem. While you haven’t yet gotten around to defining quantum electrodynamics, or even started your work helping design the atomic bomb, you are nearing the end of your second year of graduate school. This means you have an exam soon.

12. Procrastination From a Remote Programmer's Perspective

I've read many articles on procrastination and motivation, but I've always found in them a complete or partial misunderstanding of the problem. Or just inconsistency with my realities – after all, people are different. I'm going to describe what I know from my own experience and what helps me personally. Maybe it will help someone else.

13. Best Programming Languages to Start Freelancing

Programming has been one of the most in-demand and highly-paid skills for the last two decades, and the demand is only increasing. In addition to this demand and popularity in the market, working as a developer also provides a lot of flexibility. You can work from wherever you want and contribute to projects all around the world. All of these reasons make software development highly compatible with the freelancing lifestyle.

14. How To Use Guilds For Better Knowledge Transfer Between Engineers

Hello, Hacker Noon people! Technology guilds are a popular but still fresh way of implementing communities of practices in companies. Still, there are many questions, especially related to guild responsibilities and organization. Together with Andrew Kozin, I've prepared this post for you as a summary of our personal experience and understanding of the role of a technology guild nowadays.

15. AI in Fitness: Top 10 AI-based Personal Trainers

Health is wealth- we all refer to this old saying to highlight the importance of health and fitness in our lives. But how many of us do actually have a fitness routine? Digging deeper into the facts; approximately 3/4th of adults worldwide do not exercise at all. In fact, inadequate physical activity has been identified as one of the main risk factors of death worldwide over the past decade.

16. Turn Your Self-Isolation into Self-Improvement [Hacker Noon Newsletters]

17. How to Create a Habit Tracker in Notion

Why Even Track Your Habits?

18. I Did The 10-Day (Silent) Vipassana Course And Doubled My Productivity

"In the middle of 2018, in the midst of the Blockchain and crypto-mania research and roadshows, I was consulting with dozens of startups on China strategies, dealing with endless emails, taking calls during the night due to different time zones, and constantly answering pop-up messages on Whatsapp, WeChat, Telegram, and Facebook. Ultimately, it was negatively affecting my mental health. My head felt like hundreds of tabs in a single browser trying to load multiple types of information..."

19. How to Setup a Better Column-based Habit Tracker in Notion

Not another Column-based Habit Tracker. Try using Relation Property to Track Habits.

20. How to Prep for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification Exam

I recently passed the Amazon Web Solutions (AWS) Web Services Test to an Assistant Engineer. The information was new to my mind, but I wanted to put together a publication about my experience to help those looking for similar certificates.

21. Programming Principles for Beginners

A lot of us have struggled with algorithms and data structures. When I began with programming at my University, the name of a subject that got my attention and got me motivated to find my life call was the Principles of programming. I started devoting a lot of time to figuring out how to solve professors' assignments. Now those algorithms are easy for me but then they were not, and I couldn’t pass the exam, I had the wrong approach in learning, you can not memorize them, you must practice and figure out what you need to do.

22. G.I. Joe Lied To Us—Knowing Is Not Half The Battle

For anyone who is a G.I. Joe fan, they would know this quote very well.

23. Cognitive Dissonance Theory and How it Impacts US

Cognitive dissonance is a psychology theory about how we strive to make sense about conflicting cognitions and behaviours.

24. Reasons to Write Code On Paper

Half and a year ago I rewrote the JavaScript encyclopedia starting from "Advanced working with functions" until the end, and oh boy, the result was amazing. From start I easily wrote the JavaScript class for the Webpack plugin, that was a joy.

25. How to Hack a Huge Career in Tech with PR Expert & Founder Sarah Evans

I sat down with Sarah Evans—tech industry PR legend and strategic communications startup founder—to talk all things branding and influence: from personal to B2B. You can watch the Youtube version of this podcast right here in this post, or grab the audio-only on Spotify, or over at

26. 10 Online Activities To Do During Quarantine

Unfortunately quarantine has become our new reality for some indefinite time. However, it doesn’t mean we are completely doomed to give up on what we love doing. Of course, certain limitations are inevitable, on the other hand when life gives you lemons... you know what to do.

27. How Imposter Syndrome Affects Developers

Imposter syndrome is a feeling in software development. Not only does beginners or mid-level developers face this problem, but also the experienced coders.

28. I Built a Mental Health App While Stuck in My Tiny Studio in NYC

Mental health has been a rising issue lately since the pandemic and it caught my attention right away since I was going crazy being stuck in my tiny studio in New York City that has no view. Also, I was consistently looking for ways to help users on Goodnight Journal who expressed depression and anxiety through public journals. Some of the  public journals really got me concerned and think more about features that I can implement to help them feel better. It kind of came naturally that I want to do something about it. I ended up playing around with a bunch of mental health and meditation apps out there and came up with the app called Happy.

29. What Will Daily Life Look Like After COVID-19?

This lockdown has given us—the privileged few—a chance to read, pick up new habits, "upskill", etc., all by just being connected with the world virtually, like never before. We're all seeing people connecting with faraway family and friends through video conferencing, who had rarely reached out to each other in the pre-Covid-19 world.

30. The 5 Best Books Every CTO and Engineer Manager Should Read

Here’s my recommendation when it comes to books that will help a technical person to get into management and executive functions.

31. I’m an ENTP - Now what?

I know for a while that I “categorise” as an ENTP(-A). It struck me how accurate this describes my personality. An ENTP is known to be a debater who thrives on the process of shredding arguments and comes with an extreme objective/rational way of thinking.

32. Personal Finance 101 for Developers: How to Hack Your Financial Well-Being

As a freelance web developer, it recently dawned on me that I had never given any thought to my pension. After all, at thirty years old, retirement is still a couple of decades away. But I know that being a freelancer comes with the responsibility of having to take care of my own pension, and I don’t want to end up as a retiree without any income. So I set out on a quest to improve my financial well-being and be better prepared for the future.

33. Knowledge Work is Non-Linear—Here's How You Keep Devs Motivated

Software development might not look exhausting at first glance, but it’s one of the most consuming fields out there. Developers need to maintain steady concentration through 8-10-hour working days, approach tasks creatively, and maintain communication with their colleagues. Even top talent gets bored and burnt out.

34. The Importance of Unlearning

The world of software is constantly changing at a very fast pace. Yesterday’s axioms might be tomorrow’s anti-patterns.

35. How To Hack Your Brain To Get Motivated, Even When You’re Bored

On boredom, laziness, and snickers. On how to hack your brain, and how to deal with the mystery that is the bored, unproductive brain, with a well-tried method.

36. Java Coding Problems Review

I recently bought Java Coding Problems by Anghel Leonard because the topics covered in this book interested me as a Java trainer. I decided to buy it after I saw the TOC here. Since Java has started to evolve quite fast is hard to keep myself up to date and is quite easy to miss new Java features or to not have time to explore them in detail.

37. You Can Become a Better Developer by Mastering the Super Power of Deep Work Habit

Have you ever dreamed to wake up one morning and realize you felt different, more powerful. As if you had this super power inside of you that it waiting to be used. You'd meet someone very old and wise. He would tell you that you've actually had this super power for a very long time. But you need to go through a very difficult training phase to master it.

38. How to Help Those Who Are NEET

Most of us know volunteering is good for our health. You’re giving something back, meeting people you might not otherwise meet, and possibly transforming lives.

39. Teach Yourself Java: Where to Begin

All languages are “tools” for solving numerous problems. However, there is one that can be considered a star choice — Java (though some would argue for Python).

40. How a 1950s Career 'Theory' Blinds Us To Today's Realities of Work

The idea of a good career path or a career trajectory is deeply embedded in our beliefs about how work should be. While it would be amazing if this was a reality that people could count on, I believe that it is a product of a unique moment in history.

41. Top 16 Tips to Quickly Boost Your Productivity in 2021

These simple, easy-to-follow productivity tips will improve your output dramatically.

42. #LockdownConf: How to Learn New Skills While Social Distancing

At the #LockdownConf event streamed two weeks ago, Emma Bostian, Dhawal Shah and Angie Jones talked extensively on how to learn new skills while practicing social distancing. The conference which started at 14:00 GMT (UTC), was co-hosted by Quincy Larson and Hashnode co-founder, Syed Fazle Rahman on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel. It featured 4 panels, each with 3 developers discussing topics covering:

43. 14 Small Productivity Principles You Can Start Practicing Today

Early in my career, I placed a lot of focus on doing more in less time. I thought I was being productive. The reality was I was simply scrambling from one task to the next without clarity on whether my work was effective or how I could do better. I focused on the end goal, the result I wanted to achieve without really caring about the process to get there.

44. The Rational Software Engineer: A Guide to Work Time Organization

As a software engineer, I often try to understand how to optimize my productivity: I want to get more work done, without having to do more work.

45. “Looking For My Next Challenge”: How Tech Executives Should Do It

We try, we fail or we succeed but we always learn.

46. How To Fight Imposter Syndrome As a Programmer

I’ll never forget the time I spent a summer at Facebook. I had an opportunity most people can only dream of. I stepped into a robust engineering culture and a community of mission-driven people. The perks were everything you’ve heard of and more. I ate at gourmet cafeterias, rode free commuter buses with Wi-Fi, and had all the free tech gear I wanted.

47. Ask Better Questions, Get Smarter Answers: A Practical Guide for Devs

Learning is a journey that never ends. At every point in your career, you will keep learning, re-learning, and un-learning.

48. Making Self-Learning Less Lonely and More Fun

3 systems to make self-learning easier, Mentors to follow on Twitter and Cool Project Ideas for teaching yourself programming

49. The Ultimate Guide to One-On-One Meetings for Managers

All managers struggle with the fine balance between doing work that achieves short term goals vs investing time in activities with long term benefits.

50. How To Take Notes So Good They Become Your Second Brain

Today, we consume more information per person than at any other time in human history. We are continually reading, observing, monitoring, conversing and mentally trying to build a knowledge of the world we can use in our daily work and lives. The problem? The disparity between the total quantity of human knowledge and our ability to assimilate and filter it grows, unremittingly, by the day.

51. Stop Being a People Pleaser: Must-Read Guide on How to Set Clear and Healthy Boundaries

Do you feel exhausted, even frustrated working hard, putting in extra hours, sometimes even on weekends and late nights trying to catch up on work, but not being able to make progress on your own goals?

52. The Winner Loser Continuum; and 3 More Lessons from Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and psychology professor at the University of Toronto who became a controversial figure in late-2016 for his critiques of political correctness. Peterson’s most recent book, 12 Rules for Life, has sold over 3 million copies worldwide. Most recently, Peterson has suffered from health issues that necessitated a year-long reprieve from the public eye.

53. 13 Free/Low-Cost Sites to Supercharge Your Programming Self-Education

Although we still talk about programming as a standalone career, the dominance of technology in our lives makes it clear that coding is much more than a career path. In my opinion, computer science is more than a college major or a high-paid job; it’s a skill, essential for thriving in a modern-day economy.

54. Patrick Lee Scott on Fasting, Writing, Epiphany Bridges, and 10x-ing Impact

An interview with prolific Hacker Noon contributor—and all-round impressive human—Patrick Lee Scott, Winner of 2019’s Noonie for Contributing Writer of the Year.

55. 78 Experts Share Their Remote Working Tips

Productivity is a concern for modern management. As offices have seen productivity benefits of traditional, standardized and documented practices, these companies have also imposed key performance indicators to better gauge employee production and productivity. At the same time, the people themselves, from the employees up to the owners realize that they need to work better, as well as improve their working environment.

56. Which is More Important: Confidence or Doubt?*

*Doesn’t matter, either way, you’re probably not as great as you think you are (and neither am I), so let’s instead panic (just a bit) and keep going.

57. How to Live Your Dream in a Crisis

These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away

58. Productivity Guide: How to Be Less Busy and More Effective

In our hectic modern world, we believe that rushing from one task to the next and managing multiple priorities shows everyone that we are productive.

59. Simple Tips to Boost Your Productivity in 2021 (Part 2)

Another ten productivity tips for programmers to help improve workflow and efficiency in 2021.

60. Startups Are Like Marriage: If You Overthink It, It's Always A No

Or: how to convince your parents when you want to join (or start) a startup.

61. Ask for a Signing Bonus, Baby!

You are in demand. You have a good paying job right now. Why should you move? Yes, there are lots of reasons, especially in tech to move on to the next job. However, you are under no great economic pressure to do so.

62. Pseudo-Mathematical Proof of All Things Being Skills You Can Get Better At

63. Believe In Your Skills And Never Stop Improving: Tips For Aspiring Photographers

It is a daunting process to start practising photography on a conscious level. The extent of the process, and the deep self-reflection upon your own creative ability that comes with it, can easily become overwhelming. Many leave their aspiration to slowly submerge, and their journey towards creative freedom starts to fade like a Polaroid picture in the sun. As the aspiration slowly submerge there is a stagnation, and many get stuck in the loop of taking mediocre snapshots of their lives when they are able to learn how to capture and create those special moments in time.

64. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 1

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money, by PT Barnum, is part of the HackerNoon Books series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!

65. How Saying the Word NO Can Change Your Business Forever

When many keen entrepreneurs start out on the path to growing their business, they are often guilty of making one huge mistake more than any other. Unfortunately, because this error is so ingrained in our very being, it’s not something that we recognize straight away, which means it happens over and over again.

66. Staying Focussed And Removing Distractions - A How-To Guide

In a world that’s designed for interruptions, we are all vulnerable to distractions.

67. Don't Be Scared Of Indeterminacy

Hello, people! I'm an IT analyst from Russia, and I want to make the world around me better. Last time I worked for the biggest Russian energy company as a business analyst, and during my work, I noticed that it is unnecessary to be good at making the final result even if you are a really good professional in your field.

68. Understanding the Anatomy of a Habit: How to Make or Break It

Over time, habits will compound into excellent or disastrous answers to our daily entropy.

69. Coursera is Giving Out $100 Discounts For New Years

Coursera is giving our $100 discounts for New Years.

70. Web Development: Teach yourself to Teach Yourself

Struggling to pick up Web Development? This article contains lots of advice you don't have time for or want to hear.

71. How To Train Your Brain To Be More Optimistic

When faced with adversity, most people feel indecisive, restless, and anxious about the future. It is what happens afterward that makes a difference.

72. UX Portfolio-Building Tips that Don't Get Old

5 UX portfolio tips from Meta & ex-Google designer. Upgrade your design portfolio and get the job you want.

73. Build a Second Brain and Conquer Your Cluttered Mind

Are we drowning in the chaos of too many thoughts and ideas? It seems as though our minds are constantly cluttered. How can we function regardless?

74. Switch Up Your Attitude to Work for Good

A different approach to solving the burnout problem.

75. 7 Ways You Can Use Git to Boost Productivity

Git is the most popular source control system. In this post, I'll show some of these features that will make your work easier when using Git.

76. 10 Podcasts that Will Boost Your Growth in Business & Life

I have two degrees, one in engineering and one in marketing. But I've learned 10x more from listening to podcasts.

77. The Art of Saying NO

“I used to brag about talks I gave; now I brag about talks I turned down.”

78. Write A Letter Your Future Self Will Thank You For

Four reasons to write a letter to your future self, plus the biggest work-life balance lessons I'll be taking note of for mine.

79. A PSA On Being the Average Of The 5 People You Spend The Most Time With

I am pretty sure you’ve heard the saying that you are the average of the 5 people surrounding you, right? I have something to tell you that it is terrifying: It is bullshit, because it's worse.

80. Practical Steps for Developing a Working Memory

It’s embarrassing for any executive or professional to forget the name of the person you just met, but it’s not life-changing. It’s the other working memory

81. Why Solo Developers Should Never Take the Easy Route

This story is my own take on why working solo shouldn't mean you take the easy route as a developer. Sometimes you've got to force yourself to do things to become better at what you do.

82. Top 10 Resources for Learning Solidity

If you want to become a smart contract developer on Ethereum, then you need to learn Solidity. Let's look at 10 great sources that can help you on your journey.

83. You Don't Need A Degree To Get An IT Job In India [Personal Story]

Hey Hackers,

84. How to Command Attention with Your Writing

You already know there are a variety of theories on how to seize people's attention.

85. Improve Employee Engagement and Mental Well-being In 2021

In this article, you'll find some amazing techniques to improve employee engagement and mental wellness.

86. Don't Believe Everything About Agile

Why you shouldn’t follow all these things

87. How I've Navigated a 30-Year Career in IT and Software Development

During Career Day in High School a teacher pointed out that only if you had advanced math skills could you be successful in Computer Programming.

88. The Only Metric That Matters in Business

Most people pay too much attention to their profits and not enough to their cash flow. Read on to learn why cash flow is the key metric in business.

89. A Guide to Practicing Self Care for Managers

Management is a tricky job. You are required to care for other people and their growth while also feeling responsible for their emotional and mental well-being.

90. A Framework For Deciding If It's Time To Quit Your Tech Job For A New One

You have chosen a career in tech. You know it is going to be a constant chore to keep up with change. However, riding the tech learning cycle is not the HARDEST thing to do while managing your career. The hardest thing is knowing when to LEAVE the job you worked so hard to land. Use the “2 out of 3 ain’t bad” rule to help you manage your career in technology.

91. How To Start Learning To Code

Have you decided that you wanted to start coding, but you have no idea where to begin? Well, neither did I, and there's no shame in it. After some months of studying, I've realized the hardest part of coding is just starting (that phrase came too naturally to me, so I think I might have heard it somewhere else).

92. How to Teach Yourself to Code? Sleep Less, Learn More

This post will walk you through how to be productive and improve your skillset

93. How to Choose the Best Programming Language to Learn First

When I was first learning to code, I wanted to choose the right programming language. But as a beginner, I didn’t know how to evaluate which was the right one. So I turned to the internet. The internet had lots of opinions. After reading through articles with titles like “Why Python is the only language for beginners” and “If you want a job, learn JavaScript”, I had serious analysis paralysis. I just chose a popular one with a cool name: JavaScript.

94. Hacking Your Motivation

I didn't grow up being excited for my mornings. All I remember is that I dreaded waking up. Then I found coffee, my best friend for years. It managed to wake me up and get me going.

95. Interoception: The Sense Behind Wellbeing

we are not brains that have an attached body. We are bodies.

96. 5 Tips to Help you Start Programming

I've been trying to start programming since early 2015 and I was finally able to start in 2020. It took a long time for me to start programming. There are certain things, that hindered me from learning. I tried multiple ways to overcome my issues but I failed. It took almost six years to finally convince myself to learn to program. Just in six months, I’ve learned C, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Though I’m no expert, I’ve just gathered basic knowledge of these.

97. Lessons I Learnt From Becoming a CEO

As someone who’s been the CEO for years, I think I might be of some help here. Over these years, I saw hundreds of things not working out the way I initially planned but, knowing that I was in the middle of a process kept me going.

98. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 8

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

99. The Dark Side of LinkedIn: A Capitalist’s Pipe Dream

LinkedIn has become a cesspool of toxic productivity, virtue signaling, and corporate worship. It is time to call for a change!

100. Why Side Projects Are Important

To some, the idea of side projects is an unwelcomed distraction. They have what they need to do, and they need to get it done before the next thing. For others, side projects are a key motivation of the day-to- day.

[101. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Part 3 -

Avoid Debt]( The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of [HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series]

102. I am Grootu: Creating my First Alexa Skill

As a child of the 80's I come from the age of the internet where it was similar to the wild west, only we didn't know it at the time... Men were men, women were women and girls on BBS boards were almost certainly guys in real life.

103. 3 Ergonomic Keyboards for Developers, Ranked by a Developer

Ergonomic keyboards help programmers with longevity.

104. 4 Ways to Elevate Each Other's Work as Women In Tech

Rise in women entrepreneurship has been quite vivid in the past few years as we keep establishing organizations and move on to own an empire. While many have achieved success in establishing their identity as a founder, many others are struggling to get known to the world.

105. Technology Addiction: When Is It Time to Unplug For You?

Making a conscious decision about how we want digital tech to influence our lives

106. My Approach To Not Understanding

When creating any software, it is almost inevitable to spend a big part of your development time researching, and many times this involves looking for syntax you don't remember, or for finding out how other people have approached the same problem you are trying to solve.

107. Tips to Land a Job at a Top Tech Companies

Landing a job at at Google, Apple and other similar companies in the world can seem like an impossible task. Read this guide you can land an interview in tech!

108. An Interview With Mathew J Phillips

Matthew J Phillips is an entrepreneur from South Wales, U.K, and the creator of the Organic Client's program. Matthew has achieved feats such as closing multiple 4-figure clients weekly for his coaching business. He's also helped other coaches, consultants and mentors do the same.

109. Don't Panic, Just Make a Plan to Learn to Code

If you are a beginner and trying to learn how to code during the situation we are currently living in, and have no idea where to start let me share with you how I have been doing it.

110. The Illusion of Productivity with Expensive Gadgets

The curse of being a student is having a huge amount of educational fees unless you are sponsored by someone. Especially when you are having higher expenses on your educational essentials, you run short on money to manage your desk setup like the one you’ve seen on Youtube. But wait, it is really necessary to have a perfect setup?

111. What is Financial Literacy and Why is it Important?

In today’s increasingly complex world, being financially literate can be the difference between a comfortable happy life and one full of problems and stress.

112. IIT Delhi's New, Free Online AI Course

The Indian Institutes of Technology, or IITs, are 23 premiere higher education universities, with around 16,000 students, as of 2020.

113. Most of MOZ Academy Curriculum Available For Free Until May 31, 2020

Moz, the SEO tool-set maker, is giving a 100% discount on almost all of the courses on its academy's site - with the exception of SEO Essentials Certification, that is.

114. Exploring Shikamaru's Stoicism

The concept of the "will of fire," as taught by Shikamaru's sensei Asuma, contains a lot of Stoic ideals.

115. How to Build Your Financial Intelligence Like Men on Forbes’ Billionaire List

Financial intelligence that’ll put you on Forbes’ billionaire list.

116. How the Japanese Concept Wabi-Sabi can Shape Our Worldview

Wabi-sabi teaches that it takes a conscious effort to slow down and cultivate our minds to cherish the beauty of old, weathered, incomplete or unfinished.

117. My Engineering Masters Exchange Experience with Erasmus+ in Sweden

My experience on the Erasmus+ exchange program between Albania and Sweden, from application, residence and travelling, as well as personal/professional gains.

118. An Open Letter to Everybody Having Trouble Getting Started Today

How to stop inactivity and just start what you want to do. The flywheel concept of getting things off the ground and the best and only time to start is now!

119. How to Reclaim Your Freedom and Take Back Control of Your Life

A sense of control in our life not only rids us of anxiety, it’s the single most critical factor in helping us stay productive at work.

120. Achieving Your Financial Goals: What To Consider Before Setting Those Goals

It's not enough to set goals; you must have the discipline and system to execute them. Lack of discipline to execute goals may be down to these few factors.

121. Why We Shouldn’t Confuse Narcissism with Self Love

t is important not to confuse narcissism with self-love because they are two very different things. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inf

122. The Art of Letting Go

Have you ever wondered, why nobody uses your SaaS / App, after all this hard work

123. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 17

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

124. Say Goodbye to Surveys and Hello to Sentiment Analysis

For the past several decades, surveys have been the main method for a business to gain insights on how customers feel about their products.

125. Education Technology and Smart Classrooms

Education Technology (Ed Tech) and Smart Classrooms have been changing the traditional method of education, teaching and learning methods. Education technology refers to the integration and application of software, hardware and educational theories for facilitating learning in an interesting manner and enhancing the performances through creation, usage and management of suitable technical resources and processes.

126. Make Time for Making: 7 Ways Builders Control Their Days

You have many good intentions at the start of the day, but before you know it, one request comes on top of another and you have a day full of meetings.

127. How Social Media Can Help You Eat Healthily

Just about everyone who has tried to make radically healthier changes to their daily food consumption have realized that this is easier to accomplish with some kind of support system aside from your own will to succeed. It is a great help for people to cheer you on, support you, give you advice, or even criticize you on your way to better eating and overall health.

128. Can Video Games Replace Cramming?

Can we learn through video games? Can eLearning games completely replace textbooks? What makes us have fun?

129. The Dunning-Kruger Effect in Simple Terms

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a phenomenon in which unskilled individuals overestimate their abilities while skilled individuals may underestimate their abilitie

130. Why Reading Self-Help Books Is a Total Waste Of Time!

Here’s a ‘secret’: If a self-help book makes you think it has a magic pill for success, approach it with extreme caution!

131. Leaders Embody Values: Live By Your North Star

Have you ever heard of the north-star, it's consistently present in the sky of northern hemisphere and was the traditional way sailors aligned their course corrections at nighttime. Your company leadership provide your north-star (Values and Objectives) for aiding decision making. Mid level managers need to learn to balance the feedback from the teams with the direction of leadership.

132. Use Twitter's In-App Scheduling Feature to Stay Cool Online

It’s difficult not to go off the wall crazy on Twitter, where irate answers appear to be the standard. Booking your tweets for later could help dodge hot-headed responses.

133. Leaders Don’t Just Solve Problems; They Make Them Too

One of the key things that makes leaders effective is the ability to orient themselves. Leaders make their own problems. This post shares how to do that.

134. 12 Effective Communication Tips Every Software Engineer Should Imbibe

How to improve your communication skills as a software engineer and increase your effectivity

135. What Is Impostor Syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills or talents and has a fear of being exposed as a fraud.

136. On Spreading Yourself Too Thin (and Other Dev Career Reflections)

‘The grass is always greener on the other side’ notion seems apt for this tendency.

137. Get Rid of Your Imposter Syndrome!

Get rid of Imposter Symdrome with those 3 tips from my personal experience.

138. 8 Netflix Hacks You'll Wish You'd Known When Quarantine Started

So perhaps you’ve utilized a couple of basic Netflix hacks as of now to assist you with taking advantage of your preferred gushing stage, for example, responding to the personalization questions (found at the highest point of your landing page) to get better recommendations or killing the ‘Keep Watching?’ work. Perhaps you’ve even utilized a VPN to gain admittance to cool shows and motion pictures that are just accessible in different nations. Lesser-referred to web Netflix hacks aren’t exactly as simple to stop by, so I’ve gathered them together right here for you.

139. The Great Resignation: Why 80% of Tech Employees are Seeking Alternative Employment

A survey from the professional social network Blind, tech employees are looking to make a change within 3-months, Indicating a persisting “Great Resignation"

140. The Less Debt You Have, the More Risk You Can Assume.

Think about the level of focus you can have without the stress of losing everything.

141. 10 Questions for Aswin Ganesh, Noonie Nominee for Functional Programming

The 2020 #Noonies are here! And they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Aswin Ganesh from India, who’s has been nominated for Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Functional Programming category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world in 10 questions, from the perspective of Aswin.

142. 8 Habits of Highly Productive People

The habits of highly productive people make them accomplish a lot. It's not magic, and you can improve your mentality by following these 8 habits.

143. The Hidden Catch With Using Frameworks

Framework's ready-made functionality is great for app building, but often hides drawbacks. Find out why you need to switch to a problem-solving mindset.

144. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 19

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

145. How To Nail Your Next Remote Job Interview

Let's face it, there's a lot that could go wrong in a remote interview. The technical glitches alone could change the whole tone.

146. How To Get The Most Out The Pomodoro Technique To Be Highly Productive

Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro technique calls for using a timer to break down work into 25-minute intervals separated by short 5-minute breaks. After four sessions of work, the Pomodoro technique prescribes a longer 30-minute break.

147. Dealing With Impostor Syndrome

Unfounded feelings of being a fraud is the hallmark of Imposter Syndrome but it's only one part of a five-sided coin that can be confronted with time.

148. Focus on the Small Victories, Instead of Those Ambitious Goals

Do you celebrate big victories, audacious goals, and major milestones? You must. We all do. But, what happens after a big goal is met?

149. The Programmer's Most Vicious Enemy

Ask me what is the programmer's most vicious enemy and I will answer: his own ego. Let's see some examples.

150. The Secret to Learning: How to Learn 10 Times Faster

Dan Koe unveils the secret to learning quicker.

151. In Lockdown? Here's how to kill your time in times of Covid Crises?

In the event when Corona virus caused great disruption in the whole world, and people are compelled to stay at home, many people are also falling prone to mental illness like depression and anxiety.

152. Hacking the Higher Ed System for a Free Online Education

There's a better way to skip the 4 year traditional college model by educating yourself online for free.

153. A 4-Step Guide to Help Beginners Get Started on Coding Projects

Starting something new is always difficult. When I working on my first coding project, I was wondering where to begin. I wondered what technologies I should use and whether I would come up with a good project idea. Today we will be going over my beginner’s guide to coding projects. I want to help you answer the same questions I asked myself when I worked on my first project. This will be especially helpful for people with little to no experience working on coding projects. If this post is helpful, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel or check out my other articles for more content like this!

154. A Call To Action: Let's Not Waste The Opportunity Coronavirus Offers Us

Half of the world is in quarantine due to the corona-virus outbreak, and most of the people have no clue how to use this time for developing new skills.

155. Pocket: Organizing What You Find to Read

When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket, a social bookmarking service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks.

156. My Journey to Building New Habits in my 20's

Like, What you should do in your 20's? What you should not do in your 20's? Habits you should build in your 20's? and etc. etc.

157. 9 Learning Tips To Be On Top Of Your Online Learning Platform's Schedules

What I really love about this digital era is how easily one can learn almost anything he wants. The only requirements are a computer, an internet connection, and of course, the necessary amount of motivation. Isn't that just wonderful?

158. 5 Things I Learned as a Junior Software Developer

I started my first job as a software developer around 4 months back and since I was coming from a freelance background, I had my own way of writing code. Most of the time, my code wasn’t read by anyone. Yeah, not even my clients due to their lack of technical expertise.

159. How I Hacked My Brain To Trigger My Most Productive Coding Stint Ever

My first project as dev at Hacker Noon was building and open sourcing a Chrome extension to block paywalled sites from search results. Here's what I learned.

160. Learn HTML & CSS: The Best FREE Online Resources for Beginners

If you're curious about getting started with web development, one of the things you will first have to learn is HTML & CSS, this is the base of web development and the first two inseparable tools you'll have to master

161. Don't Have Time for the Things You Love? Here's How to Solve That

The surefire way to ensure you always have time for the things you love doin.

162. What I Have Learned About Reading

We all have our peculiar reading tastes that we don’t need to defend — de gustibus.

163. The Science of Getting Rich: Preface

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

164. How To Build Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem refers to how we view and respect ourselves. Because it is founded on our views and beliefs about ourselves, changing them can be challenging.

165. Market Scenarios: Bitcoin Could Reach $25,000 Soon

Travel is one of the most critical aspects of the global economy. The international community and global economy were built on the ability of people to move from place to place and access lands unknown. It is part of what makes the world what it is today.

166. You Can Be a Coding Hero Too: Do Not Fear Trying

"Everybody with the right attitude can learn to code."

167. 3 Skills You Need to be a Great Software Engineer Besides Coding

When asked about their talent stack, most software developers reply with "writes code". To be a successful developer you need so much more than that.

168. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 20

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

169. 20 Quotes to Inspire Entrepreneurs on the More Difficult Days

No matter how positive a person you are, you are not a robot. It is easy to get the wind Knocked out of you when the obstacles of modern life get in your way. So if you’re in need of a confidence boost, some inspiring advice. Here are my top 20 inspirational quotes of all time, for entrepreneurs especially.

170. How to Secure Your Financial Future as a Self Employed Entrepreneur

If you're a self-employed entrepreneur, becoming financially stable should be a priority of yours. But it can be rough if you have no idea where to start. With a little bit of learning and skill, you can plot a course towards a safe financial future.

171. I'm a Self Taught Developer, and I Feel Stuck!

Let's dive in to some of the common mistakes in your early self-taught dev career, steps on how to avoid them, and what you should be doing instead.

172. Life’s Ultimate Hack is Embracing Your Inner Childlike Lunatic

Let's explore the scientific and psychological benefits of embracing our inner foolishness and why it's important to be a little bit silly every now and then.

173. 6 Ways to Know if You're Ready to Lead 2 Startups Simultaneously

In this article, entrepreneur and dual-CEO Misha Rudominski offers his expert advice on running two companies at the same time.

174. Rediscovering Focus: How I Did It

After years of distractions and poor decision making. I rediscovered the art of focus. I realized that if I did not plant my butt in the chair, I would fall behind in my ambitions. Since October of last year, I have been taking serious action to improve my attention span and my ability to do deep work.

175. 6 Books To Supercharge Your Startup Journey And Entrepreneurial Skills

This time of the year typically involves cocktails at rooftop bars, stunning city views, vacations in quaint European countries, or relaxing on the beach with a book. While the first three may be off limits this year, reading is one pleasure we can still enjoy. Most entrepreneurs we know are voracious readers, so we decided to round up a list of books that will make Summer 2020 more enjoyable and productive. Whether you’re headed to the beach, the mountains or the living room, these six books are bound to offer good ideas and a dose of inspiration.

176. How to Lead More Productive Meetings

When it comes to scheduling meetings, I am a firm believer in Maker’s schedule vs Manager’s schedule. In his essay, Paul Graham touches upon the topic of optimizing the number of meetings. In this article, I would like to talk about another related aspect of meetings, i.e. how to optimize the meetings themselves by establishing good meeting etiquettes.

177. New Freelance Writer Shares Tips for Starting Your Freelance Career

Before I began my freelance writing career, I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to pursue this career for quite a few reasons.

178. Hack Your Technical Debt: The 1% Better Every Day Challenge

It's easy for technical debt to grow in our codebase. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day for 30 days to tackling technical debt and get 1% better every day.

179. 5 Mental Tricks to Do Your Best Under Pressure

We all face situations where we need to perform under pressure. Here are 5 mental tricks that work best in such circumstances.

180. 3 Ways to Win the Negotiation for What You Want From Your Next Job

If you are tech worker right now, you are in demand. If you are considering moving on to another position, you are going to want to prepare. Of course, you need to burnish your resume and reach out to your LinkedIn network for endorsements. Such things are a given, but if you really want to be a TOUGH negotiator, then certain things must be so. Get your ducks in a row.

181. 6 Things You Need to Make Your Dev Job Fun Again

It's easy to sit down and try to get straight to work, but it's important to have the right tools, extensions, and themes to make you the most productive.

182. 10 Ideas to Create a Daily Writing Habit

This writing discusses ways to reduce barriers to creating a daily writing habit.

183. The Benefits of Using No-Code Tools to Automate Daily Tasks

Simply put, no-code tools are similar to a toddler’s building blocks.

184. 15 Apps that Can Make You Productive

Here, 15 amazing apps have been listed for increasing our productivity.

185. Burnout - This is definitely NOT fine

Sometimes it is difficult for us to simply accept that we're experiencing burnout, so it is important to be informed and aware that it exists.

186. The Science of Getting: Chapter 1

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series . The table of Links for this book can be found here.

187. SMART Goal-Setting: The Technique to Achieve All Your Goals in 2023

Harsh Makadia explains how to achieve your goals in 2023.

188. The Value of Assertiveness in the Workplace: An Interview with, DMO, Julia Doronina

Julia Doronina, the CMO at the IT startup G-71, talks about what it means to be a woman in technology and her journey in IT.

189. Use These 11 Meta-Skills to Accelerate Your Career

Zain Kahn goes over 11 meta-skills to accelerate your career. ``

190. New Book Release For Self-Assessing Your Digital Habits

Raising awareness around digital health as the world moves back to life beyond the screen

191. The Noonification: Tech Giants Give Longtime Employees a Massive FU (1/25/2023)

1/25/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!

192. Here's Why 70% of Americans Are Overweight or Obese

Sollozzo goes over why 70% of Americans are overweight.

193. Meet the Writer: Hacker Noon's Contributor Daine Mawer, Associate Director of FEE

Hey! Im Daine! I live in Cape Town, South Africa and I’m the Associate Director for Front-end Engineering, EMEA at 10up

194. How to Be a Terrible Engineering Manager

One of the most common mistakes early managers make is to focus on being a "shit shield". Learn why this backfires, and what to do instead.

195. Forget To-do Lists. What About To-learn Lists?

We all have to-do lists. But what about a to-learn list?

A to-learn list is a way to keep track of everything you want to learn.

The beauty of a to-learn lis

196. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 9

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

197. What Books Are We Reading On AI and Machine Learning in 2020?

Whether you are a seasoned professional in this industry or just starting to dip your toes in, there is always more to learn about AI and machine learning.

198. How I Got Into Every University That I Applied To (for computer science)

Here is how I managed to wriggle into the top university for computer science. How to write a half-decent personal statement and suceed in life!

199. The Problem with The Waterfall Model of Personal Development

One of the ideas that I find to be flawed is the necessity of taking time to work on yourself before getting into relationships with others.

200. 3 Ways to Maintain Company-Wide Calm Through a Crisis

Make a plan. Be transparent about the plan. Keep everybody updated as the plan unfolds and evolves.

201. You, Work, Input, Output and Value; A Complex Relationship

You determine your VALUE

202. How To Be More Productive with Pomodoro Technique and Google Calendar

I devised a few ways to keep track of my time and to maintain focus during the “new-normal” (as they say) WFH days . Thought maybe it might be useful

203. 10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Start That Side Project

Let's use these times to productively START working on our side projects.

204. How to Start an Attention Diet: The Mindful Elimination of Distractions

Attention diets are a new way of managing the stimulus we receive throughout the day. By controlling what we focus on, we can improve our mental health.

205. 4 Questions to Ask When Learning New Technology

it's easy to think we understand a certain technology when in reality it's not the case. So what questions can we ask to make sure we do?

206. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 8

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

207. How Communication Skills Help Software Engineers Succeed

In reality, software engineers are not necessarily the worst communicators. However, there are a number of reasons why this bias toward engineers exists.

208. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 12

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series

209. Simple Advice on How To Complete That Never Ending Task

Faced with a mind numbing, insurmountable challenge, you stare at your screen, thinking of all the hours that are about to slip by you as you chip away at the never ending task you’ve been set.

210. "Joy Comes from the Process of Creating, Not the End Result" — App Builder, Logan Koshenka

Logan Koshenka from the US has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes category for his beautifully built side project, a Health and Wellness app called Accufit. PSA: Nominations for this award are still open..! Get the Health and Wellness App you can't live without nominated for a Noonie today ➡️ make a Founder's day.

211. How to Create a Killer Resume for Your First IT Job

212. How to Win in Every Negotiation

Lessons in Information Asymmetry

When I first moved to San Francisco, I didn’t have a car. Who needs a car in San Francisco? And the parking is like $350 per month so that is a hard no.

213. 5 Important Things We Should Stop Neglecting When Hiring

The peril of vague job descriptions

214. What is Reverse Mentoring?

Reverse mentoring occurs when young people become mentors of executives to guide them on various topics of strategic and cultural relevance.

215. 13 Short Copywriting Lessons That Have Made Me a Better Writer

Sometimes a piece of good advice can be game-changing and bring you a fresh perspective on a matter you have been trying to understand.

216. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 16

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

217. Use the 80/20 Rule with Moderation

The 80/20 rule, a.k.a. Pareto principle, has been perpetuated along the lines: "80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes." Different cases where the rule emerges have been studied, in the last century, by great personalities such as Vilfredo Pareto (land ownership in Italy), George Kingsley Zipf (word frequency in Languages), and Joseph M. Juran (quality management in industries). Working as a Data Scientist, I have seen enough of the 80/20 rule being invoked in business meetings followed by a round of applause 👏👏👏. Also, I have read numerous LinkedIn posts alike. Most times, it is just a reckless stretch of the rule. But what is the danger here, if any? After all, profits matter more than mathematical and statistical rigor.

218. Protecting Your Mental Health While WFH

The past six weeks have been challenging. As someone who thrives off social interaction and throwing ideas around in a room of people, working from home has been a huge shift for me both mentally and professionally.

219. Testing and failing

It is not 'if I fail then I will do X'; it is 'when I fail I will do X'. Slightly changing her words, the phrase above belongs to Brené Brown, Dare to Lead, and they are perfect to start this short piece about testing and failure. Everything written is not my knowledge, but of great people like Jeff Hunter, John Maxwell and Brené Brown, I am just interpreting their wisdom. A special thanks to Shane Parrish, I have learned a lot from his interviews and comments.

220. 7 Basic Rules for Better Decision-Making in Business

Every manager has to undertake a tricky task of teaching employees to make the right decisions, the ones that will be profitable for the business. As my team was growing, I also came to realize I had to delegate responsibility. I don’t like to be micromanaged — so I don’t micromanage my team. My job is to lead people, not to be a bottleneck. I was lucky that Skyeng is all about principle-based decision-making; this is what makes an annual growth of 200% possible. I only had to take those corporate principles, or rules, and apply them to my field of commercial products. I’ll talk about my rules in this article.

221. My Dear Daughter: Ensure Your Freedom with Your “F*ck Off” Fund

Money does not bring happiness. Money buys freedom. Freedom to take a leave when you feel burned out. Freedom to leave a country. Freedom to own a house.

222. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 2

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

223. How to Code for Decades and NOT be a Millionaire

Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.

224. Explore How to Harness Delayed Gratification For a Mountain of Success

These are all qualities you would expect from a successful person, and they are.

225. The Science of Getting: Chapter 2

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

226. The Outstanding Developer Book: Distractions Around Us And Developer Productivity

Think about a normal day of work. You arrive at the office, take a coffee, start coding, do some code review, have lunch, some meetings, code again, and that’s it. But is it really?

227. How to Manage a Remote Team Without Going Postal

For most managers, it is possible to have weekly meetings to bang out issues and team-building exercises to create harmony, but as a remote manager, this is not possible, and the lack thereof can be über-frustrating at times.

228. How to Get Your Android Phone Read Your Texts to You

Give your eyes a rest and permit your Android gadget to peruse your writings to you. This element (just as sending writings utilizing your voice) is accessible through Google and the free applications that you can download from Google Play. Here are the manners in which you can make your Android read instant messages.

229. Automation: Figuring It Out is Just Like Doing a Puzzle

When you're wondering if something can be automated or not, a way of looking at the situation is like a puzzle.

230. How Tech Helped This Entrepreneur Reshape The Music Industry

What a year 2020 has been! We have endured a deadly pandemic, a failing global market, and a series of civil unrests unlike any we’ve ever seen before. And as we draw closer to the end of the year, a lot of individuals have adapted to the new normal.

231. The Science of Getting: Chapter 3

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

232. 6 Productivity Practices for New (and Old) Developers 

Humans are complex creatures, with a wide variety of motivations for getting work done. Our motivation as developers is not purely extrinsic, or financial—sometimes it's for the joy of delivering code.

233. I Plan to Learn Coding Before 2022: Here's How

During the application process for this online class, I first discovered what programming was all about. So I started researching how to learn to code.

234. 4 Valuable Lessons I Learned as a Data Science Student

I never really wanted to learn data science.

235. “Pay Want You Want” Model Got Us $1M Donations for Online Courses

Join HYLS, donation-based online course platform where you boost your self-development at any price you want.

236. How Regular Writing Practice Can Make You A Pro in Programming

I’ve been coding professionally for around 5 years now and I’ve continued to work on my writing for more or less the same amount of time, although in a much smaller capacity. In this time, I’ve learnt to see some key similarities between the two crafts. Despite how different the two fields seem on the surface, I truly believe that working on my writing skills continues to have a spill over effect on my how I think about code as well.

237. My Perspective About The Motivational Market

Self-help, motivation, we all need it. But do we need it that much? Are we helping ourselves by others’ capitalization on it?

238. How Writing Can Help Developers Succeed

Recently I was listening to Jason Fried in the chase Jaris podcast, for you who doesn’t know Json Fried he is the chief executive officer of Basecamp...

239. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Ageing, and Disease [Comic]

Intermittent Fasting (‘IF’) might have been the biggest diet trend of 2019.

240. JohnnyTheCoder Cares About the Environment; Getting People Hired

John Selawsky (US) is a coding tutor and 4x Hacker Noon Awards Nominee who’s been on a journey. Read on to enjoy Johnny's quick takes on real-life goals, rewards, learning, and more.

241. Find Your Creativity Muse Amidst the Noise of Life

Why we need to make time to visit our own depths of thought.

242. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 4

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

243. It's Important to Plan for the Future, But Don’t Prescribe It

Plan For the Future – But Don’t Prescribe It

244. My Journey to Becoming a Better Software Designer and What I Learned Along The Way

In October 2017, I started a two-year doctorate-level engineering program at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) that leads to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng). During the program, the trainees focus on systems architecting and designing software for software-intensive systems through courses and projects for real-world clients.

245. Self-fulfilling Prophecies: Can Our Beliefs And Expectations Affect Reality?

Self-fulfilling prophecies describe predictions of a situation that can change our thoughts and behaviors, thus becoming real.

246. Why We Make Bad Choices and How to Fight Back

We do irrational things all the time, make stupid choices that we regret later. It’s not like we consciously decide to act like a fool. Rather, in those moments when we are making a decision, we seem to be quite pleased and reasonable with our choice. It’s only later we realize how distorted our sense of reality was.

247. What Is Fear-Based Leadership

Fear of not being included, fear of not knowing, fear of status, fear of failure, fear of unknowns, fear of criticism, fear of change, fear of being an imposter can cause a leader to act in undesirable ways. Leading from fear can create a toxic culture in which people play safe, avoid mistakes and lay low in effect creating an organisation that does not grow due to mediocre performance and unrealised potential.

248. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 4 - Persevere

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

249. 3 Basic Tricks to Smash👊 Your Goals

Do you feel unmotivated? Lethargic? Overwhelmed?

250. RAIN: How to Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture Emotions

RAIN can create a mental space to by practising awareness of our feelings, thoughts, and behaviours without being caught in their narrative.

251. A Conversation With Damian Philips-King: A Self-Taught Developer and CEO

Damian Philips-King is a self-taught software developer and entrepreneur from Barbados. Read about his journey into tech!

252. A Step-By-Step Guide to Reflect on 2022: The Most Powerful Journaling Exercise

Kieran Drew goes over how to reflect on 2022.

253. Hacking Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Career Success

A look at how emotional intelligence as a conscious practice can be the missing key to your success.

254. Java Coding Problems Review

I recently bought Java Coding Problems by Anghel Leonard because the topics covered in this book interested me as a Java trainer. I decided to buy it after I saw the TOC here. Since Java has started to evolve quite fast is hard to keep myself up to date and is quite easy to miss new Java features or to not have time to explore them in detail.

255. Learning from the OSS: Destroy Your Organization by Following the Simple Sabotage Field Manual

"The purpose of this paper is to characterize simple sabotage, to outline its possible effects, and to present suggestions for inciting and executing it."

256. The Coronavirus Has Forced Us into a Tech Reliant World

Right now, many Americans are facing difficult times, with more than 33 million people filing for unemployment over the last eight weeks, the US economy is feeling the pressure.

257. Goal Congruence and The Importance of Aligning With Who You Are

Goal Congruence: Align With Who You Are

258. 4 Easy Ways to Cultivate a Writing Habit

Developing the habit of writing can offer life-changing value to you and your business. Here are 4 tips that will help.

259. When Will We Act Against the Heinous Effects of Tech Dependence?

The above photo is from the Weconomics convention last year, where I had the opportunity to pre-present my book Life Beyond the Touch Screen before its official launch in 2020. Something really interesting happened during my session.

260. How To Create The Career You Want

One of the most important career lessons I’ve learned is to pursue a career and not a job. At first glance, you might think, “What’s the difference?” I also didn’t get it for years.

261. How to Build a Quality AI-Based Mental Health Counseling App

Because of the mental illness crisis that has worsened during the last ten years, digital solutions functioning on artificial intelligence offer hope for millions of people to improve their mental state, or at least to keep it balanced. Technology companies and scientific establishments have developed the applications ready to provide daily therapist sessions and support patients` treatment programs.

262. The Art of Mastering Atomic Habits

If you want to change your life, you need to start with your habits. Atomic habits are the building blocks that make up our lives.

263. How a Simple Chronometer can Boost your Efficiency

There is something really paradoxical in this stage of human history: we have exoskeletons for our minds, and we can create and access the best content ever made with a minimum effort. However, we are getting less focused and easily distracted. Instead of consuming fresh ideas and opportunities to grow, most people get lost into an endless carousel of distraction.

264. How DIY Therapy through Apps is Making Mental Health Management accessible in the Pandemic

Research shows that online therapy for depression is basically as effective as in-person therapy in helping individuals deal with mental health issues.

265. Learn or Die: Turn your Learning into a Routine

First, write down your small knowledge source catalog of various personal and company blogs, articles, podcasts, and newsletters.

266. 5 Emotionally Intelligent Habits For Handling Frustrating Situations In The Workplace

By engaging in a growth mindset, you can move from complaining about frustration to finding a solution. You have the power to choose your mindset.

267. The Feynman Technique: The Secret to Learning

Learn How To Learn With the Feynman Technique

268. Cut Out the Fat of Your Device: Why You Should Adopt Intermittent Phone Fasting

Exploring the reasons why fasting from technology (limiting its use to periods of time in the day) can improve your productivity and overall quality of life.

269. How to Translate Feedback to Actionable Plan (with Examples)

In an ideal world, the feedback you receive would come with an action plan. In reality, it is up to you to translate constructive criticism into improvement.

270. How To Improve Concentration: 2021 Edition

How to improve your focus - especially as a software developer. Book review of Deep Work by Cal Newport.

271. How Can I Be Productive When Working From Home?

21 Productivity Ideas When Working From Home

272. Why Should We Bother Picking Ourselves Up When Life Beats Us Down?

A certain fact is that everyone's life has ups and downs. When we know that a situation is impossible to fix, why should we still do our best then? Not to become a hero or to put a brave face on, it's for more simpler reasons.. read on to find inspiration.

273. The First Step: Just Take it 'Bird by Bird'

Sometimes, it is about thriving. Sometimes, it is about surviving. We would be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly.

274. How to Maximize What You Love by Minimizing What You Hate

Last year I posted an article about how to find the things that you love. This year I collected more metrics and I learned how to make my day better.

275. Demystifying System Design Interviews

Approaching systems design interviews strategically is crucial, as they typically do not require any actual coding.

276. Brad Michelson on Writing About Fintech and Infancy Industries

Brad Michelson is an NYC-based marketer, regular top contributor to Hacker Noon, and 2020 Noonie Nominee. Scroll down to find out why Brad's into writing about fintech, and what his personal strategy is when it comes to failure.

277. Top 4 Soft Skills Every New Engineer Should Learn

Engineers must have a combination of both technical skills and soft skills. Here are the top 5 soft skills for engineers.

278. Why You Should Stop Your Reading Challenge


279. 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Will Power and Get Back Control of Your Life

3 ways to strengthen your will power and get back control of your life

280. 4 Common Types of Critics, and How To Handle Their "Feedback"

Doling out advice, hurling negative comments, passing mean remarks - we have all done it. Given an opportunity, it’s easy to assume the role of an expert and tell others how wrong they are, why their product isn’t good enough, why their idea will never work, how they should behave, what they should do. Why seek permission when we feel right in our criticism?

281. Code Isn't the Only Solution; and 8 Other Dev Lessons, 7 Years Later

I'm working as a software developer for 7 years. You can read my background and how I got into the industry here. There are a few things I wish I learned earlier. Knowing these in advance would have made my job a lot easier. Some of this might sound pretty obvious, but not for me. If you're in the early stages of your career, doing a few of this will make you stand out.

282. 3 Non-Technical Qualities of a Great Software Engineer

There are many software engineer qualities that will make you stand out. Among them, these 3 are crucial for you to become a great software engineer and leave t

283. Just Do it: How Much Motivation Do We Need Nowadays?

The message (you literally only need this information from this article): stop wasting your time on blindly consuming self help materials. Learn things that matter. Find the time, and do them. Don’t waste your time reading how not to waste time.

284. Food Tech Stories: The Secret Of The Sustainable Food System

The EAT-Lancet report is the primary full logical report of what comprises a sound eating regimen from a sustainable food system, and which activities can support and accelerate food framework change.

285. Why invest in developing critical thinking skills?

Critical thinking is now frequently identified as one of the most essential skills, if not the most essential, to be successful as a leader in the 21st century

286. Communication is the Key: 3 Design Concepts to Help You Improve It

Communication is the key to success. Speaking comes naturally to many people, not effective communication. Visuals are easier to understand than words.

287. Four Possible Ways to React to Other People's Happiness or Misery

Schadenfreude, Compassion, Envy and Mudita: explaining how we react to other people's fortunes or misery

288. 3 Life Lessons From John Grisham’s Writing Habits

Adopting a stoic mindset, employing consistent habits, learning to enjoy improving in our craft could bring meaningful insights into our efforts.

289. How to Boost Your Mind Viral Immunity

TL;DR Diversity is the key

290. Six Common Product Management Leadership Challenges

Products are developed, provided, and enhanced by people, and effectively leading them is crucial to achieve product success. But leading stakeholders and development teams requires overcoming six product leadership challenges that range from lacking transactional power to guiding self-organising teams. The description of the challenges below is an extract from my new book How to Lead in Product Management.

291. "Nothing Is Impossible", Interview with Lina Survila

You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?

292. Methods to Reduce Biased Thinking

Although we tend to adhere to malfunctioning heuristics, this does not give us a justification for not trying to fix our biased thinking.

293. The Hacker in the Second Renaissance

“It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating”, Oscar Wilde.

294. I Went From Never Reading to 54 Books in a Year, Here's How

I hope everyone can read more by reading this story of how I read from 0 to 54 books a year (On average, I read 40–50 books a year now).

295. You Are the Cure to Imposter Syndrome in Data Science

Imposter syndrome is a common experience for data scientists. But there are ways to tackle it and succeed despite it.

296. Self Study Helps Law School Graduate Become a Software Engineer at Amazon

A change of heart and access to a repository of information prompted a law school graduate to purse a career as a programmer.

297. Work Interrupted: Context Switching Is A Mind Killer

Our human brains cannot correctly control multitasking and context switching, affecting our productivity and well-being.

298. The Secret to Finding Your Purpose Is to Stop Chasing It

Perspectives on Finding Your Purpose

299. Get Rid Of Your Self-Imposed Restrictions: An App Review of Freedom

Want to improve your focus so you can get more done? Stop relying on self-discipline and use the Freedom app instead.

300. "It's What You're Thinking. It's Not What You Have," — Founder on Courage & Resilience

What if that one thing we sometimes take for granted is exactly what we need to focus on even more?

301. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 11

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

302. Refactor Your Work Life — From Home 😉

TL;DR: It's time to spring clean your work-life, and make space for joy. Get rid of extraneous work, add a bit of mindfulness, and the WFH world is yours. You can do this regardless of who you are, but if you are the CEO or in a managerial position, the imperative is much higher.

303. How Improving Writing Skills Can Help Software Developers Succeed

I started writing because the generous community of programmers had helped me by sharing their knowledge freely over the Internet. I wanted to contribute to this incredible trend so I could be a part of something bigger than myself.

304. Five Things I Would Have Done Differently

I don’t have many regrets in my professional career. In fact, I have none. Regretting is useless and a waste of time.

305. “When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself”. ― Earl Nightingale

Think of the countless times you labeled someone at work as “lazy, boring, incompetent, stupid, irritating, biased, reckless, rude…”

306. The Eternal Battle of Collectivism vs Individualism

This entry to my ever-growing repertoire of online nonsense bears many interconnected and equally-as-good titles:

307. Practice This Second Order Thinking Hack to Start Making Better Decisions

While making decisions, how often do we optimise for long term gain at the cost of short term pain? A good process for making decisions requires second order thinking which unravels the implications of our decisions by thinking about its consequences in the future. It requires solving problems in a manner that avoids unintentional and unforeseen outcomes.

308. #IamRemarkable - Learning Self Promotion With Google at Women in Tech York

Despite growing recognition of the benefits of gender equality, the number of women holding the most senior jobs in the boardrooms of Britain’s FTSE 100 is actually falling.

309. A Hyper-Connected World

Sometimes, just sometimes, our hyper-connecting mind will lead to astounding discoveries that will forever alter the way we live.

310. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 5

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

311. The Path to Restful Entrepreneurship: DO More, Stress Less

“It’s not just physical things anymore that are distracting us and dragging at our mindset and productivity… but it’s also these things in the ether: these ideas, these emails, these tweets. It’s nonstop.” - Josh Ellis

312. How I Calmed My Nerves And Finally Overcame My Fear Of Public Speaking

A hundred talks later, I'm still terrified every time I go on stage. How did I ever get on stage, though? Well, here's a little trip down memory lane, the s

313. How These Companies Are Using CBD Technology To Solve Sleep Relief

Have you heard about CBD, but you still aren’t sure what to make of it?

314. An In-Depth Guide to Crack Any SEO Interview in 2020

So, you have just finished your SEO Training from a well-known institute and are about to give your first interview. But HANG ON! Are you sure you are well prepared for what's coming?

315. 7 Mac Trackpad Gestures To Help You Become A Superuser

The first time I got my hands on a MacBook, I was 13. I used to do everything to explore macOS. That was when I accidentally noticed that doing certain gestures on the trackpad triggers some actions. Upon some exploring, I found out a list of Mac trackpad gestures and ever since I’ve been using them extensively. They’re super useful.

316. Building Your First Website In Under 30 Days

Have you ever thought to start building your first website? Are you trying to acquire a new skills which shows your creativity? or are you feeling curious, how tech developers and entrepreneurs are building modern web apps and changing the world ?

317. Consistency as a Moat: How to Write More by Prioritizing your Weaknesses

The best way to optimise consistency is to prioritize the things which you're worse at, or where you can have improvement.

318. How To Be Sure That Your Information Is Secure In Dating Apps

Online dating has become really popular nowadays.  Unfortunately, dating websites and apps are often visited by scammers, criminals, violent abusers, and sexual predators. And the lack of proper identity verification procedure in the dating apps is very surprising. In this article I will explain how dating apps can protect their users.

319. The Empathic Importance of Explaining The Magic Behind Your Code in Laymen's Terms

Have you ever had that conversation with a parent when you try to face-time, and you’re the one face-timing whilst they’re the one giving you a close up of their ear, muttering words of confusion and frustration?

320. Don't Make These 6 Common Junior Dev Mistakes!

In this article, we'll take a look at 6 of the most common mistakes junior developers make and offer advice on how to avoid them.

321. In a world full of experts, be a newbie

There’s no such thing as an expert. The experts are just newbies who never stopped learning. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, embrace your inner newbie

322. A True Story About How Stoicism Saved a Prisoner of War: 7 Tips for Your Own Life

Stockdale had no reason to think that the day’s mission was to be anything unique.

323. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 6

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

324. Shoshin: How To Foster This Zen Concept In Companies and Personal Development

Shoshin is a Zen concept that companies, science researchers or regular people can practice for a better mindset.

325. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 10

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

326. Ask Me How To Lose Your Company Without Losing Your Faith

Was there a big risk trying a startup? Did you have any sort of security net to catch you if you fall? and other questions get answered

327. How to Train Your Brain: Rewiring For a Better Tomorrow

Perhaps we need to learn to become friends with our here and now to build better tomorrows.

328. WTF is Deep Learning? Explanation for Non Tech People [Only Words and Pictures]

Hello, there! In the next few minutes, we'll talk about a subject called Deep Learning. Have you heard about it?

329. 7 Ways To Be Better At Working From Home

We are dealing with difficult times during this pandemic. About 20% of entire the Earth's population is stuck-at-home due to Coronavirus. Only a lucky few are able to work-from-home. Rest are either being laid off or are put on unpaid leave for months.

330. I've Been Playing Bass Since I Was 15 And That Made Me A Better Team Lead

I’ve been playing bass since I was 15. I play other instruments as well, but I have always been primarily a bass player.

331. Solid Tips On How Get Better At Responsive Web Design

Better Responsive Web Design, A Structured Approach

332. Hack Your Technical Debt: The 1% Better Every Day Challenge

It's easy for technical debt to grow in our codebase. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day for 30 days to tackling technical debt and get 1% better every day.

333. 7 Soft Skills You Need for 2023 and How to Develop Them

This post will share seven soft skills programmers can develop to position them for greater success in the new year.

334. How To Find Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is always a struggle at every stage of our life. How to make work-life balance work? By understanding that it isn't a state, but a journey.

335. How Leonardo da Vinci Became a Pioneer of Virtual Reality

The greatest message we can take from da Vinci’s life is maintaining a child-like wonder sense and noticing the unseen as we were to check Mona Lisa’s smile.

336. Occam's, Hanlon's, Grice's: How to Level Up Your Life With The Power of Cognitive Razors

Cognitive Razors are mental Swiss Army knives that philosophers and big-brained folks use to make sense of this crazy world.

337. A Hacker's Awakening: Ep.01 - Being Free While Feeling Caged and Yearning for a Victory

The following are various emails, posts, messages, and tweets I've had on social media and privately (my side, only paraphrasing their side without permission) in the last 24 hours.

338. To Code Is To Communicate: 8 Ways to Write Better Code Reviews

When I started programming, Code Review wasn’t part of my routine. First, like everyone, I learned how to print Hello World in the programming language that was studying. Then, what is an if, while, for, and other essential structures. Sometime later, I was coding.

339. Harnessing Growth Mindset to Design a Spider Killer

I was in the middle of doing a pilates class over Zoom when I noticed a big spider on the ceiling. I pointed it out to my kids who were in the room with me, but knowing that none of us could reach it, I dismissed it and went back to struggling through “the hundreds”. Around me, the kids also resumed their activity... or so I thought.

340. How To Choose Which Book You Should Read Next

Books are part of Entertainment Industry.

341. 3 Playful Elon Musk Inventions to Remind You to Have Some Fun

It’s easy to get buried in your work when you’re running an entire network of multi billion-dollar companies. Yet, one of the things that the pandemic could be teaching us today may be to slow down, don’t pass up on a good laugh, and, as they say, smell the flowers. Elon Musk isn’t exactly the person that comes to mind, one would think, when you think about such things. We know he’s busy spearheading technological advancements that blow our minds. This inventor extraordinaire has brought us some of the most impressive innovations like PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, to name only a few. He is even also dabbling in artificial intelligence. Really, is there anything this guy isn’t involved in? Understandably, he’s one busy fellow. But his example shows that you can have your hands full and yet not lose your sense of humor.

342. Exercise and the Hacker 

Self care through physical exercise can help hackers with stress and energy.

343. People With High Levels of Emotional Intelligence Perform Better at Work

Emotional intelligence is critical for leadership success, employee performance, and teamwork. Learn to develop your EI with coaching app LIFE Intelligence.

344. I Tracked My Happiness Every Day For A Year

I tracked my mental health each day throughout year. I rated my happiness on a scale of 1–5, with “1” being a really bad day, “2” being a kind of bad day, “3” being a neutral day, “4” being a kind of good day, and “5” being a really good day. I want to preface this article by saying that I understand how complex and difficult it is to try and quantify mental health. My absurdly simple, completely subjective, and inherently biased rating system is by no means an attempt to accurately represent the complexities of the mental health spectrum.

345. Have You Hacked Level 4 of Career Conversations Yet?

That's likely a question that you've never asked yourself, but as a manager, it's an important one. Career conversations are an important part of career development. We’re going to define 5 levels that will make it easier for you to have a better career conversation. Through self-reflection or 360 feedback, it should be relatively easy to know where you stand. You can then set the next highest level as a tangible goal to improve.

346. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?

Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.

347. How To Deal With Difficult People

Humans are social creatures who seek personal validation based on how others interact with them. We feel good and important when others share our belief system and dejected when there’s a conflict of opinions.

348. I Asked 100 People What They Learned From Lockdown: Here's What They Said

I asked 100 people on reddit what fundamental lessons they learned as a result of quarantine, hopefully you can get some insight on how other people have been

349. Accomplish More by Doing Less with Not-To-Do Lists This Year

To-do lists are so last year. Increase your willpower and protect your brain from The Zeigarnik Effect with these personal productivity tips.

350. How I Got a Tech Job In Berlin

This is for people currently working and residing outside of Europe, who are looking for jobs in Berlin/Europe. There are many opportunities here, as the startup scene in Berlin is on the rise. I've been working as a Software Developer for the last 5 years, out of which I spent a year and a half in Berlin. Like many developers out there, moving abroad for work is a personal dream, and most people materialize that dream by doing a Masters from abroad, and working from there. For me, the story was a little different.

351. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind: Luck vs Merit in Product Management

Is 10x product success merely arbitrary luck or based on merit? It’s a question that can torture even the most rational-minded product managers. But which should you focus on when victory is on the line?

352. Climbing the Ladder: Transition From Engineer To 'Leader'

How to transition from a software engineer to a manager and a leader of a team.

353. Are You Getting The Right Feedback ?

Getting plenty of feedback that isn’t actionable is as bad as getting no feedback.

354. How To Actually Get Things Done

A few tips on how to stop wasting time and be more productive.

355. 3 Things Coding And Prose Writing Have In Common According To Cory House

Does your code read like a book?

356. Why We Should Opt Out of the Attention Economy

The Value of Attention - why your attention is so valuable and why you're selling it too cheaply

357. Takeaways From FreeCodeCamp and HashNode's #LockdownConf - Part 1

Recently FreeCodeCamp's Quincy Larson and Hashnode's Fazle Rahman joined forces to host #LockdownConf, a free online developer conference. It featured panels of developers from across the globe discussing topics ranging from learning new skills to finding developer jobs during the current pandemic.

358. When Buddhism's Nonattachment Overlaps Stoicism's Dichotomy of Control

Practising nonattachment is not giving up on aspirations or desires but realizing that it would be wise to drop the attachment to our thoughts on the outcome.

359. I Switched To SEO After 20 Years As a Journalist: Here's What I've Learned

Technology and all digital marketing tools available today have changed my entire professional career.

360. My Personal Digital Transformation Story

Smartphone Addiction, Burnout and Balance

361. An Honest Look at Remote Working Pros and Challenges

By Adam Fard, founder of a UX Design Agency

362. 5 Incredibly Simple Yet Useful Tips To Push Your Motivation Flywheel

How can I make motivation part of my life to do things that will help me achieve my goals in the long run? For me, motivation was a state of mind. Some days I was all excited and motivated to get to my toughest goals and important tasks that I had avoided in the past. Then there were other times I felt lost, unsure of how to make even tiny progress on things I got to do.

363. How To Be Responsible For Your Own Growth

We all want to have a good relationship with our managers, work on impactful projects that help us advance our career, want to be highly regarded in our line of work and be trusted and respected by others. But, how often do we take charge of our own growth?

364. Mastering the Meta-Skill of Learning

Few adults have been trained in the core skills and mindsets of effective learners. How do we learn to learn then?

365. 5 Tips and Tricks I Use To Code 3 Times Faster

Here are my 5 tips and trick I use to code 3 times faster. Find out how you can start earning more money and save your precious time.

366. Ideas, Manage, Build, Write: Vaibhav Saini on Optimal Learning Process

Prolific Hacker Noon contributor Vaibhav Saini from India has been nominated for three 2020 #Noonies in the Decentralization and Back to the Internet Award categories.

367. 7 Ways to Save Cash in Your Daily Budget

Saving money and running a sensible budget has long been important to most people. However, as additional challenges and pressures develop throughout this year, this is becoming more critical than ever for more people. Saving money on a large scale is not always easy, however, there are many small steps you can take to save cash as part of your daily life.

368. Boosting Your Productivity and My Scrappy Approach to Getting Things Done 🚀

At the end of the day, if your main goal is to finish something, the only thing that matters is the progress -- not the process.

369. How to Achieve Hard Things following Brandon Sanderson's Advice

Brandon Sanderson, a bestselling fantasy author, presents a framework to achieve hard things, based on his experience.

370. Sustaining Our Creativity through Managing Multiple Projects

Cross-pollination between projects is a reliable method to recharge our creativity.

371. "The Quality of Your Life Depends on the Quality of the Questions You Ask Yourself"— Sara Tortoli

The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Sara Tortoli from Germany, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Technology category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Sara Tortoli.

372. How to Get into Tech Without a Tech Background

This article covers 3 key tips for entering the IT field and resources to leverage in order to pursue the path you wish to run towards.

373. Productivity Hacks: 5 Tips for Software Engineers and Knowledge Workers

Everyone seems to be strapped for time these days and desperate to get more done in less time. I'm in the same boat. Here's to achieve more by doing less.

374. How To Discover a Coding Mentor

You’re not here to mess around. You want a job that pays you for your technical skills and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to land that job offer. But the journey’s been tough. You’re concerned with if you’re learning the right things. You’re not sure if you’re heading in the right direction. You’ve tried coding something, looked at coding docs, and then realized the docs weren’t that helpful.

375. How To Use The Ikigai Concept to Find Purpose Amidst Chaos

A guide to find meaning and purpose in your life in the most unlikely circumstances, including a global pandemic, through Ikigai.

376. Letting Go And Owning Up: Strategies For Learning From Mistakes

We are programmed at an early age to think that mistakes are bad. Don’t make a mistake, you won’t get good grades. Choose the right career, there’s no going back. Make up your mind, there won’t be a second chance. You will regret this decision later. What were you really thinking? All this well-meaning advice rings loud and clear in our heads, conveying a simple message - stay away from mistakes.

377. Apply These 3 Secret Techniques To Be Amazing At Everything

Photo by Guillaume de Germain, Unsplash

378. 3 Questions That Can Help You To Generate Great Startup Ideas

Is there a repeatable process for coming up with new and good startup ideas? In this post, we distill insights from great founders and technologists, like Eric Yuan of Zoom, Marc Andreesen, Ben Horowitz, etc and share three simple questions you can ask yourself to generate startup ideas worth pursuing.

379. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 10

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

380. 10 Tips to Help You Become a Digital Marketing Professional Without a Degree

Are you looking to become a digital marketer but don't want to get a degree? Here are ten ways that you can become one without having it!

381. Can an AI Chatbot Help You Develop Healthier Messaging Habits?

Social media can be a dangerous place to hang out. Researchers have found that compulsive use of social media can cause a lot more than just nervousness, low self-esteem, anxiety and jealousy. In fact, a study of how social media affects our health reveals that using social networks obsessively can cause depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), impulsive disorder, problems with mental functions, loneliness, addiction, and paranoia.

382. If You Want To Achieve A Goal Show Up Prepared

It is important to realize that we have the ability to manufacture our own fate when we want to. - Eric Haney, Delta Force operator

383. How to Identify and Stick it to Decision Fatigue

A series of these small decisions scattered throughout our day may seem harmless in the moment, but are they really harmless?

384. Time Value of Money: A Financial Management System for Developers

If money has time value, does time have monetary value?

385. How I Used a Product Management Process to Start a Yoga Business [Part 1]

The purpose of this article to share my process and journey launching Lund Yoga Community — Sweden’s first sustainable donation-based yoga studio.

386. Mindful Work: Capturing, Prioritizing and Working on Tasks Effectively

We owe it to ourselves to try to find a productivity approach that works for us.

387. 5 Benefits of Learning to Code That Transfer To Other Segments Of Your Life

This is a brief list of benefits I already feel even as a newbie, in all areas of my life, which started developing because of learning to code. I believe it will only get better with more experience. Here they are in a short list, and then a few words about each.

388. How To Reduce Workplace Stress

Work is a big part of our life. Done well, it can be a source of joy. But when managed poorly, it can often lead to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction at work

389. How to Fix Your Priorities Using the Eisenhower Matrix

Urgent vs Important: How To Fix Your Priorities

390. A Smart Solution For Those Who've Resolved to Travel in 2020

Everyday, we're working as developers, social media specialist, SEO specialists and we really enjoy our jobs.

391. FourWeekMBA Founder Gennaro Cuofano On Heuristic Decision Making

Gennaro Cuofano (Italy) writes about digital business models, platforms, blockchain business models, and new ways of doing business, all the while managing the growth of a high-tech startup and a small sales team. In this interview: Decentralization, Scaling, and Building Your Own Platform.

392. Self Awareness: The Key to Mental Health and Workplace Success

Self awareness may be the new key to both workplace success and mental health. Here's how self awareness training can improve productivity, empathy, diversity.

393. 4 Features to Look for in Online Education Platforms

Educational platforms to learn how to code SQL, python, JS, etc are numerous and tailored to several different crowds like web developers and data scientists. Unfortunately, not every student and user knows what to look for in a platform and many companies will quickly take your money and provide little in return. Best features can range anywhere from peer feedback and troubleshooting guides to hands-on integrated development environments (IDEs) that match tools you’d use in industry.

394. How To Prepare Yourself For a Marathon [Part One]

This Slack discussion by Arthur, David, Richard, Anna Bleker, Natasha and Linh occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability.

395. 8 Mac Hacks You Can Use to Stop Wasting Your Machine's Time

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

396. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 11 - Be Systematic

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.

397. On Career and Passion: Letters to my Daughter

There is an eternal conflict between our internal passions and the external needs of the workforce. Accept this struggle and strive to find meaning.

398. Overthinking: Causes, Impact, Strategies for Taking Action

I thought I was pretty good and smart at making decisions from routine tasks with little cognitive load like what to eat for lunch, what dress to wear to the office, how to avoid traffic on the way to work to the more mentally demanding activities like putting together a hiring plan, defining org structure and thinking about the future strategy of my organisation.

399. 5 Strategies for Shifting a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset

How do you approach failures in life?

400. The Rational Software Engineer: There is No Perfect Project

Mindset and ability to adapt to a project can matter even more than the project itself when it comes to satisfaction.

401. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 7

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.

402. What Sociologists Are Saying About 2020's Myriad Political Movements

2020 has been a hotbed of political and social debates. Curious, I got out my python script, scraped some academic data and set out to find what the Sociologists are talking about in September 2020.

403. Why the College You Go to Doesn’t Matter

This article is about a thorny issue in tech--compensation. Websites like Blind, Paysa, and have revealed numerous issues with how people in tech are paid, with the gender pay gap being the most well known. Employers are cagey about disclosing their reasons behind deciding how much employees get paid, and they encourage their workers to treat salary as a taboo subject that mustn’t be broached. This behavior helps the employers’ bottom line by keeping wages depressed.

404. The Simplest Way to Set Goals You Actually Achieve

Inspired by James Clear’s Goal Setting Method, Motion helps you set better goals using 4 main strategies.

405. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 7

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

406. How to Succeed in Your Studies : How To Start [ Part 1]

Why? What? How?

407. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 18

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum

408. Hacking Your Psyche To Prevent Isolation Fatigue

Americans have been reporting increased feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and even hopelessness at least once per week since the start of the COVID pandemic. In fact, at the end of April, 3 in 4 American adults expected a second wave of the virus and supported continued social distancing.

409. Hacking Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Career Success

A look at how emotional intelligence as a conscious practice can be the missing key to your success.

410. Meet the Twins That Are Launching the First Comic-Based Learning Experience on the Market

Twins are launching the first comic-based learning experience on the market - Improvement Comics - Learn key ideas about self-improvement via weekly comics.

411. Successful Managers Are Shit Umbrellas: Leadership 101

From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1: If you’re having a hard time getting your team on the same page, I want to let you know that you’re not alone.

412. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 9

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

413. Field Notes from My Journey into Engineering Management

I am going through what one might call “career puberty”. I’m growing up and moving to an engineering manager role. It’s more of a recognition of a position I reached organically and a job I’ve been de facto doing for some time now, rather than an abrupt change dictated by external factors.

414. Food Tech Stories: How Food Can Fix Your Depression

Based on this story: Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment

415. How Neuroscience Deconstructs Our Internal Monologue: Confabulation and Cognitive Biases

We all hear that voice, the narrator's voice. So, let's explore how neuroscience deconstructs our inner monologue.

416. A Solution To Your Mental Health Worries: "Think Big" Towards Your Future and The Rest Will Follow

The ability to think big is the first step to break out of our bubble of self-imposed limits and to channel our energies to explore a bigger and better future.

417. It All Begins With a Side Project

Growing up building

418. 7 Basic Rules to Make Developer`s Life Better

As people, we have a superpower; it is the power of perception. As the famous saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.

419. How To Turn Your Skills Into Money

All of us have specific skills that separate us from the rest, even if we don't know it yet. We always try to go out and learn new things to become successful, and in the past that was needed. But with social media, blogging, YouTube and more, we no longer need to learn a new thing. We just need to advertise what we already know. Taking a skill that you already have and putting your own flair onto it is how you can create money. Interested? Let's take a deep dive how you can do this in 5 easy steps.

420. Work From Home 101

Last year I broke my meniscus and had surgery. As a result, I cried a lot and worked from home for 3 months. It’s safe to say that nothing about this lockdown has surprised me, not even the part of not being able to leave the house. When life gives you lemons, write a Medium article, right? This are a few things that a picked along the way, and had actually worked great for me.

421. Self-Improvement in 10 Short Steps

Before you start with your self-improvement journey, you must find your "WHY" If your “why” does not you affect emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry) then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the better you. Make your WHY genuinely heartfelt and large enough so that it ignites passion and intense emotion behind your dreams. These emotions will inspire urgent need in you for self-improvement.

422. How To Create Personal Breakthroughs By Mastering EI: Interview With Matt Kursh

A recent nationwide survey aiming to better understand the “before and after” of emotions in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic has found that people’s #1 emotion now is anxiety, and before the outbreak, the #1 emotion was calm.

423. Negative Self-Talk - What's the Cure?

The Antidote for Negative Self-Talk

424. This Is How Self-Integrity Can Change Your Life

Self-Integrity Can Change Your Life

425. My Weekend at Hack@Brown Changed My Life

My experience at my first Hackathon - how it transformed the way I approach tech and what I'll do to advance this new profound appreciation.

426. How to Not Attribute to Malice Things Adequately Explained by Stupidity

We humans crave a perfectly ordered world though the chances of something going as intended is fairly rare. When there’s more than one human being involved in the equation, the predictability goes for a further toss. What do we do when things do not turn out as intended? Instead of being curious and trying to learn from the situation, our mind assumes the worst possibility.

427. Finding my Side Hustle [Part 2]

Photo by Nosiuol on Unsplash

428. Writing Hacks: Target the 22 Most Trafficked Tag Pages on Hacker Noon

Tagging is the internet's indexing system. If you want to maximize the value of tags for both SEO and content distribution, here's how.

429. Top Books About AI You Should Read in 2021

Read these top 10 books on artificial intelligence to find your way forward in AI. Select the best book from the list given in this blog to get started with AI.

430. Why My New Book is a Failed Attempt at Something I Can’t Put My Finger On

On June 30th, 2020 my new book, The Humility Imperative — Effective Leadership in an Era of Arrogance — will be released.

431. Being a Productive Parent with the Montessori Pedagogy in Mind

Transferable soft skills are crucial regardless of operating in a high-performance work setting or negotiating going-out rules with a 3-year-old.

432. 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself When Struggling Mentally

The saying "Getting started is the hardest" exists for good reason. Starting any business takes more motivation than continuing the business once you have the momentum and focus.

433. 'You are a Scientist in Your Own Lab': How to Set Your Goals

Everyone likes to achieve success at work, but very few take the time to define what “success” means to them.

434. Get More Speaking Engagements By Building Your Personal Brand - Here's How

This article is for all my friends and acquaintances, co-workers and aspiring product managers, mentees and anyone else who has ever asked me —

435. Emancipation Starts in the Kitchen

What is the link between industrial/organizational psychology and modern kitchen layouts? It all started with Lillian Gilbreth.

436. Life Hacks: Hardwon Wisdom from Four Months Caffeine-Free

I used to be a coffee addict. And then, the deceptive Lady Caffeine of House Lannister started collecting her debts.

437. How to Act Agile in Every Day Life

Agile can be defined as the ability to move quickly and easily. However, for those in tech they might associate agile with something else entirely. Agile methodology is a popular framework for managing software development projects. More specifically, it is a style of project management where you develop a product in short cycles (or sprints- see above image), providing flexibility for revisions as necessary. It requires constant improvement through these iterations of testing and reflection. A finished product is better than a perfect project.

438. 5 Important Takeaways From 9 Remote Work Productivity Studies

For the vast majority of people in tech, one of the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the switch to working remotely. If Twitter is anything to go by, for some, this may become a long-term reality, too.

439. What I Wish I Knew as a Junior Dev: Lessons After 11 Years of Coding

I initially wrote this article as a list of lessons for beginners and junior developers on Reddit. Then it blew up with over 50 awards. Lots of heart warming messages followed.

440. Conflict Management: How to Engage in Rethinking Cycle

An argument with a coworker - conflict of opinion. Working on a project that doesn’t energize you - conflict of interest. Didn’t get the promotion - conflict of growth. Working super hard with no time for personal life - internal conflict. Saying yes to work that doesn’t align with your goals - conflict of priorities. Committed a mistake, but can’t come to terms with accepting responsibility - conflict of values. We don’t realize it, but most interactions at work lead to a major or minor conflict.

441. Learning New Words Can Help You Recognize Your Emotions

By learning and applying new words and mental concepts, we will not simply react to what happens to us but stop, ask, revise.

442. Change for Better: The Exponential Art of Kaizen

Kaizen is deceptively simple and utterly brilliant.

443. Upgrade Your Note-taking With Roam Research

“Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is the practice of capturing the ideas and insights we encounter in our daily life, whether from personal experience, from books and articles, or from our work, and cultivating them over time to produce more creative, higher quality work.”

444. The Strongest Force in the Universe

When I was a child, I used to go to my grandmother’s (nani) house every summer for two months. I loved going there - firstly, because I could play there all day long, and secondly, because my grandmother used to tell us stories every night before we went to bed.

445. How I Hacked My Own Body to Beat “Inflamm-aging”

Just one simple step and I was better. Therefore, I invested in it and started to build up some habits from the book.

446. The Quick Guide To Thinking Scientifically About Your Acne

"For every complex problem, there's a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong." - H.L. Mencken

447. Digital Education: Opportunities and Challenges Coronavirus Exposed

The number of students not attending schools or universities due to the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 is growing rapidly. This is why governments around the world have decided to convert education to electronic form. While the Covid-19 pandemic significantly pushed the digitalization of the learning process, it also exposed major stumbling blocks in this way.

448. The Number Mistake Everyone Makes in School

Let’s take a look at my younger self:

449. What I've Learned from our Golden Retriever

What humanities “best friend” has to teach us.

450. How to Cold Email Career Prospects for Advice When You're Still a Student

Every week, I receive a handful of LinkedIn requests from students of all ages/nationalities seeking to get into consulting. Cold-emailing is the right approach: getting to know a company from the inside will help during the interview process, and shows that the candidate cares enough about the role to do some due diligence. It's also important to gauge how potential future co-workers treat soon-to-be graduates.

451. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 14

The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

452. "Follow Your Heart, And Use Your Brain" - Bruce Li, 2020 Noonie Nominee

Bruce Li from United States has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.

453. Strategies and Systems for Smarter Reading and Better Retention

Learning how to read properly not only means reading faster, but also gaining a deeper understanding of the material.

454. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 6

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

455. Voice Notes as Consolation for the Fundamental Loneliness of Being

Voice notes remove the expensive encoding and decoding of words to text, while retaining the benefits of asynchronous communication.

456. Everything You Need to Run a Meetup from Home

Over the last couple months, I've created a pretty sweet setup for running meetups -- including the IBM Developer SF Meetup -- and the ForwardJS conference series from my home. Let me show you how!

457. The Deep Work Hypothesis and its Limitations

Deep work, although a crucial skill in our current economy, is not enough to thrive in our jobs.

458. Difference Between Sales and Business Development: 8 Business Metrics

“You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” — Warren Buffett

459. How To Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is a coping mechanism for negative emotions such as boredom, frustration, self-doubt, and anxiety.

460. Learn Java Programming Online with these 5 Top-Rated Courses

Programming is one of the most relevant skills to learn if you want to stay up-to-date in the modern-day job market. According to statistics, the demand for tech specialists is skyrocketing — by 2030, we will be over 85 million professionals short to cover the needs of the field.

461. Leaders Embody Values: How to Become a Better Manager

Your company leadership provide your north-star (Values and Objectives) for aiding decision making. Midlevel managers need to learn to balance the feedback from the teams with the direction of leadership.

462. Soft Skills: Why They Matter and How To Develop Them

Soft skills will help you become the life and the soul of the party and reach your career and professional goals

463. Green Lights at the End of a Dock: The Secret to Happiness by Jay Gatsby and Richard Curtis

My first experience with time travel was when I was 21 years old.

464. Train Your Own Neural Network

These days, using Machine-Learning and particularly Deep-Learning solutions to solve many technical challenges has become a norm.

That’s mainly thanks to having access to unprecedented volumes of data, hardware advancements, and academic progress.

Many problems are tackled by modeling Neural-Networks, feeding them with tons of data, and consequently they “learn” and turn artificially “smarter”.

While we, humans, are still smarter than our computers - we do suffer from an inferior processing speed of information.

We can’t read a million books over throughout our lifetime.

465. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 5

The Art of Money Getting; Or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum

466. Systems Over Goals: Reframing The Way We Look at Progress

Hey everyone, welcome to the first edition of The Mirror. This week we’re looking at a different way to approach goal setting. Ideas are adapted from Atomic Habits and How to Fail at Almost Everything And Still Win Big. Views are my own.

467. Lessons I Learned About Writing

As I started writing articles for this blog for over a year now, I thought to review the lessons I learned about writing during this journey.

468. Finding Healing in Writing: How Putting Down Your Innermost Thoughts can Change Your Life

Journaling is a self-care habit that helps us understand ourselves better through writing.

469. How to Overcome the Problem of Time

Whenever you say “I don’t have time,” you are sending a message about how you prioritize and organize your own life. Stop using this phrase.

Thank you for checking out the 469 most read stories about Self Improvement on HackerNoon.

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