42 Stories To Learn About Terminalby@learn
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42 Stories To Learn About Terminal

by Learn RepoJune 9th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Terminal via these 42 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Terminal via these 42 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. 10+ Things I Love About Linux

Linux is growing and evolving even after 30 years since its birth, but the core ideas behind it remain the same, which opens the doors to new horizons.

2. How to Make your Rails App Work with the Mac M1 Chip [SOLVED]

Get your rails app running from terminal using the following steps on MacBook M1 Chip.

3. Dashboards, monitoring and alerting — right from your terminal !!!

As a backend developer, I always need to monitor something. State machine in the database, records count, message queue lag, custom application metrics, system performance, progress of my deployment scripts. Tons of stuff!

4. You Can Track Stock Market Data From Your Terminal

As a developer, I love working with the terminal. The plain, simple, and in my opinion the best way to interact with the computer (also it makes you look geeky)

5. Introducing the Terminal Reader App by HackerNoon

This is a web application with the intention of providing a different way of reading. Yes, you will be reading in a terminal-like application.

6. 6 Essential Linux Terminal Commands Everyone Should Know

Linux is one of the best-known and most used operating systems in the world. Here are 6 essential commands which can make you better at using Linux systems.

7. How To Create Reusable Bash Scripts

Bash is a language that is quite useful for automation no matter what language you write in. Bash can do so many powerful system level tasks. Even if you are on windows these days you are likely to come accross bash inside a cloud VM, Continuous Integration, or even inside of docker.

8. Creating a Terminal Emulator in React

How to create a terminal emulator in React and Typescript

9. POSIX: An Untold Story

Tapping the keys while sitting in front of black terminal, traversing the huge logs and sipping from a cup of coffee.

10. Git Commands That Every Developer Must Know

Git, an open source distributed version control system has been helping developers over a decade now. It is a great tool for tracking source code changes during software development. However, there are a lot of git commands, and this article lists the most important ones that will help your team get work done efficiently.

11. How to Run Multiple Terminal Commands in ONE, Like a Boss

Buck is a free, open-source and lightweight CLI tool used by developers to group multiple terminal commands into one.

12. React Ink for CLI: A Gentle Introduction

React Ink is a library that brings the power of React to designing Command-Line Interfaces.

13. Using a Script to Send Desktop Notifications from Your Linux Terminal

Send visual feedback and reminders from scripts, using notify-send and at commands on Linux. Also how to get MacOS to do it as well, through some jury-rigging.

14. How to Install and run Swift on a Linux Machine

How to install and run Swift on Linux

15. Why You Should Convert Your Images To WebP

WebP lets you compress your images as efficiently as possible, reducing the size of your web page while preserving quality. You can convert from the terminal

16. Warp: The Terminal For the Modern Developers

Today, I’m proud to officially introduce Warp, a from-first-principles reinvention of the terminal to make it work better for developers and teams.

17. Setting up a Development Workflow in the Windows Terminal

For decades, Windows users have been made fun of by the Linux community for the lack of a cool terminal (among other things). Well, it's about time we fight!

18. What is the Difference between Telnet and SSH?

Telnet and SSH are network protocols used to manage and access devices remotely. SSH is more secure and preferred because it encrypts data sent over the network

19. Pioneer Challenge: Overview

The Terminal hasn't changed much since the 1980s. Every other aspect of your workflow is radically different. Especially in the last decade, we’ve seen companies transform industries with the advent of collaborative software: Figma (collaborative design), Github (collaborate code), G Suite (collaborative Word and Excel) and more.

20. Make Your Rust Code More Rustic By Breaking Some Rules

Warp engineer and resident Rust expert @ChuckAPierce writes about when to break the rules of Rust's infamous borrow checker.

21. Get the Most Out of Your Terminal: A Comprehensive Guide to WezTerm Configuration

Alacritty, Kitty, Foot, and WezTerm can be challenging due to the lack of a Getting Started guide and limited examples. I'll walk you through my configuration,

22. 16 Commands For Every Use Case to Set Up React Apps in Seconds ⚡🚀

In this article, I have handpicked 16 commands to set up your React apps in seconds.

23. 9 Fun Command-Line Tools to Make Your Life Easier

Command-Line Tools to Make Your Life Easier and More Fun

24. Poor Command-Line Hygiene? Consider Load-bearing the Shell History

Can you use your command-line shell history as a second brain? Should you? Here are some ideas to help leverage the humble Ctrl-r key to supercharge your work.

25. How to Set Up an iPad for Machine Learning Development

If you have an iPad and want to use it as a development tool, you only need to complete 5 steps before using it. In this guide, you'll learn how to:

26. Keeping SSH Connection Alive for Longer Durations

SSH connection gets terminated if the server(or client, in some cases) is idle for a certain period of time. It can be fixed by a simple trick.

27. How to Set Up a World Where Dyeing Your Hair Terminal Green Shows Dedication to Your Job

Step 1: Make #02550 your project’s primary color over a beer with a friend for no particular reason.

28. How to Enable Autocomplete (and AI) in your Terminal

Here's how I enhance my terminal with autocomplete and Artificial Intelligence

29. Let's Build a Linux Shell [Part I]

Since the early days of Unix, the shell has been part of the user's interface with the operating system. The first Unix shell (the Thompson shell) had very limited features, mainly I/O redirection and command pipelines. Later shells expanded on that early shell and added more and more capabilities, which gave us powerful features that include word expansion, history substitution, loops and conditional expressions, among many others.

30. The Problem With Promotion-Obsessed Cultures

The problems with promo-culture

31. How To Install Bash On Windows 10

Microsoft recently joined hands with Canonical (the parent company of Ubuntu) to bring the entire userland into Windows, minus the Linux Kernel. So as a result, you, as a developer, get access to the whole range of Ubuntu command-line tools and utilities with bash shell integrated with Windows. Let’s look at how we can install Bash on Windows 10 and take full advantage of the new feature.

32. Real-time Scanning of Other Terminals with Strace


33. Working With Files In Python

Most of us have had that one experience where we had a ton of dis-organized files in our machines. It happens. One minute, you're opening a large zip file, the next thing you know, the files are everywhere in the directory, mixing with all your important files and randomly placed leaving you with the task of manually sorting what needs to go where. It's a real pain. To ease this process, we're going to delve into file management with python the smart way.

34. A Simple Sequential and Parallel Task List Runner for Terminal

Taskz is a library for Node.js, a simple sequential and parallel task list runner for terminal.

35. Building A Linux Shell - Part II [A Step-by-Step Guide]

In the first part of this tutorial, we've built a simple Linux shell that prints a prompt string, reads input, then echoes the input back to the screen. This isn't very much impressive now, is it?

36. Basic Commands That Will Help You Get Started With Terminal

At first, the command line interface can be overwhelming: it’s an empty screen and a prompt.

37. How I Inspect & Manipulate Files from the Command Line

38. A Linux, Mac and UNIX Tutorial Of The Top 6 Cool Terminal Commands For Beginners

In this tutorial, you'll learn the most common and useful commands that you can run in almost any UNIX-like environment, including Linux and Mac OS X.

39. Exploring the New GitHub CLI

Github just released it’s own Command-Line Interface (CLI) so developers can now do everyday GitHub tasks from the terminal. Yay! This means no more squiggling around the UI. With this new CLI, you can now view, create, clone, or fork repositories, create, view, and edit gists, you can also work with pull requests and issues right from the terminal.

40. Building a Linux Shell [Part III]

This is part III of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the first two parts of this tutorial from these links: part I, part II.

41. Building a Linux Shell [Part IV]

This is part IV of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the previous parts of this tutorial from the following links: part I, part II, part III.

42. Building a Linux Shell [Part V]

This is part V of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the previous parts of this tutorial from the following links: part I, part II, part III, part IV.

Thank you for checking out the 42 most read stories about Terminal on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.