30 Stories To Learn About Collegeby@learn

30 Stories To Learn About College

by Learn RepoSeptember 8th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about College via these 30 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about College via these 30 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Self-Taught vs College-Educated Programmers: Who's More Effective?

If you’re just a normal person who doesn’t know much about coding, you would probably think that those programmers who went to college are better then those who are self-taught. I mean, they went to college, they must know more than those who have learned it by themself. In reality, the answer is not that simple.

2. Dear Young Entrepreneurs: Skip College, Do This

When I see a stereotypical graduation ceremony photo, I think to myself: "I hope the 6 years and $100,000 of debt was worth it."

3. Should Web Developers Use WordPress?

If you’re a web developer and you’re not sure if you should use WordPress for building websites or you should code them by yourself. Read this article to learn if web developers should use WordPress.

4. My Path to Becoming a Software Developer

My story begins way back in the 2004–2005 school year at Rio Linda High School. I was taking two advanced placement (AP) classes: calculus and physics. I had phenomenal teachers: Mr. Bautista and Mr. Gavrilov. I’m pretty sure they could teach calculus and physics to a cat, Schrodinger's cat, that is.

5. Hacking the Higher Ed System for a Free Online Education

There's a better way to skip the 4 year traditional college model by educating yourself online for free.

6. Colleges at Risk: Falling Enrollment

A look at why some colleges are going out of business.

7. This College Prep Software Is Selling Advertising Access to Your Kids

Naviance, a college prep software, is selling advertising access to high school students.

8. How SoClose For Instagram Provides Revenue for College Athletes

The NCAA recently announced that they will soon be in support of college athletes obtaining brand partnership and sponsorship deals, leaving college athletes all over the nation highly anticipating the 2021-2022 season.

9. Computer Science Degrees: Are they Worth Getting in 2021?

Is a computer science degree worth it? For me, partially. For you? You tell me.

10. College Admissions: How AI Can Help Fight Biases

This article is co-authored by Alex Stern & Eugene Sidorin.

11. A Look at the Power of Your Influence Network

A look at the power of your influence network in college alumni and corporations.

12. 3 Things I Wish I Knew During College Placements

So, how many times do you feel like traveling back in the past and starting 'not from scratch' but at least tiptoeing safely from the mistakes you made.

13. How I Got Into Every University That I Applied To (for computer science)

Here is how I managed to wriggle into the top university for computer science. How to write a half-decent personal statement and suceed in life!

14. Mergers: The Hack Saving Colleges From Destruction

A look at how the future survival of some college institutions will require the need for mergers.

15. How America is About to Change with Engineering Jobs

How America is about to change with engineering jobs. The broken college system and the rise of online courses.

16. Why a Career in Motion Graphics Is a Good Option for Tech Savvy Students in 2023

Today, there’s no shortage of roles in the tech space for young aspiring professionals to pursue. From becoming a coder with a lucrative salary to an app developer with room to grow at a company, there are seemingly endless career options for students interested in technological processes.

17. Hacking College During COVID-19

In the last few months everything about our lives has either disappeared or gone online. Instead of going out to restaurants we order meals through apps. Instead of going to the grocery store we order groceries through apps. And instead of going into an office or school, many of us are working and going to school online. Online school has some implications for the long term, particularly when it comes to college. College is an important time to network and meet people who will be in your field throughout your lifetime, so what happens to college when everything moves online?

18. Are Students Being Entrapped by Fake Test Answer Sites?

There are fake test answer websites that are being used to entrap students looking for answers during online tests.

19. How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Dating Scene for Millennials and Gen Zers

These days, it’s hard to imagine life without computers; the advances in technology leading to the development of smartphones and tablets have truly made the personal computer ubiquitous. Thirty-five years ago, when Microsoft was founded, computing stood on the threshold of a new era; it’s hard to imagine Bill Gates and Paul D. Allen knew what lay in store, and when, two years later, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak made the first truly usable personal computer - the Apple II - the Age of Computing dawned on an unsuspecting world.

20. Humanities vs. Technical Sciences: What Courses to Choose at College

Irrespective of the obvious variations in entry cutoffs, job opportunities for graduates with a bachelor in humanities and technical science subjects are relatively similar. Despite that, however, scholars have always had contentions regarding these two disciplines especially when it comes to choosing which to pursue at university. Occasionally, humanities and technical science courses have been used interchangeably. This has fueled further misinterpretation and poor exemplification of what they really are.

21. Being a Student Founder Ain't Easy

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes

22. 4 Privacy Tips for Distance Learning Students

If you’re like millions around the world getting ready to head back to school this fall, you’re figuring our first, if your campus will even be open, and second, how to adjust to the idea of distance learning.

23. Will the Programmers of Tomorrow Resemble the Lawyers of Today?

Now the title may sound a little bit confusing. What does law have to do with programming? How can these two drastically different professions find anything in common in the future?

24. Facebook Peeked at Your Info When You Applied for Student Aid Online

For millions of prospective college students, applying online for federal financial aid has also meant sharing personal data with Facebook, unbeknownst to them.

25. 5 Key Benefits Of Being a Software Engineer Nobody Tells You

If you're more of a visual person - check out the video version

I’ve been a software developer for coming up to three years, these are the things that really make me enjoy this career and make me thrilled to recommend it to others.

26. Why the College You Go to Doesn’t Matter

This article is about a thorny issue in tech--compensation. Websites like Blind, Paysa, and have revealed numerous issues with how people in tech are paid, with the gender pay gap being the most well known. Employers are cagey about disclosing their reasons behind deciding how much employees get paid, and they encourage their workers to treat salary as a taboo subject that mustn’t be broached. This behavior helps the employers’ bottom line by keeping wages depressed.

27. Best Internet Safety Practices for Online High School and College Students

Cybersecurity gets a lot of buzz in the news, particularly when there’s been a major breach. It’s often presented in the context of big businesses, adults, or even entire nations. We don’t always think about what it means for kids.

28. How GenZ Is Hacking Education

School has changed a lot in the last decade. Not only are there computers in every room, many schools have computers for every student. Technology is a crucial part of the learning process, and it’s giving students greater access to the world than they have ever had before. They also have a better understanding of the current economic situation than previous generations, and they are preparing to tackle the difficult road ahead with as much preparation as possible. GenZ is doing education differently, and it’s paying off.

29. My Journey From MIT to Uber and Beyond!

May 15th, 2020 was my last day at Uber. After nearly two years at the company, I decided to move back to India due to family obligations. The bittersweet moment marks the end of a notable chapter of my life — I started my career at Uber as an Associate Product Manager (APM). Now feels like the right time to sit back and reflect on the ride.

30. 5 Ways EdTech Startups Are Setting Classroom-Innovation Trends

The way to a better future lies through substantial changes. Technology has changed the way businesses operate many times. It also influences the way people work and starts to affect all areas of our lives, with no exception. Therefore, there’s no surprise that technology has a major influence on education, as well. The U.S., China, and many other countries have already invested more than $16.34 billion in EdTech companies.

Thank you for checking out the 30 most read stories about College on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.