19 Stories To Learn About Failureby@learn
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19 Stories To Learn About Failure

by Learn RepoSeptember 10th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Failure via these 19 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Failure via these 19 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” - Elon Musk

1. An Introduction to Infrastructures for WEB projects in AWS

Let's review a particular project in detail and the cost of infrastructure maintenance. And so, we have an internal WEB application that consists of a static website on React, a backend on Go, and a database DynamoDB. All code is stored on Github and for CI/CD we use Github Actions. The infrastructure code is defined in Terraform.

2. Most Software Bugs Are Not From Lack of Knowledge

Software culture with respect to errors seems to be "if you just". Errors are blamed on lack of knowledge. To progress as an industry we need to change that.

3. The Art of Letting Go

Have you ever wondered, why nobody uses your SaaS / App, after all this hard work

4. A Brief Timeline Of Kodak's Descent Into Oblivion

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. (Albert Einstein)

5. A Step-by-Step Guide to Failing a Data Science Project

As posited by Lev Tolstoy in his seminal work, Anna Karenina: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Likewise, all successful data science projects go through a very similar building process, while there are tons of different ways to fail a data science project. However, I’ve decided to prepare a detailed guide aimed at data scientists who want to make sure that their project will be a 100% disaster.

6. Why Did Blackberry Fail?

How did Blackberry fail? The good, the bad, and the ugly days of Blackberry. A faint tech company with millions of units sold and failed miserably, Why?

7. Learnings from the Big Market Tech Failures of Zune, Fire Phone, Windows Phone and Snap Spectacles

Last year, I did a talk, as part of orienting a team of automotive executives in modern way of iterative working, challenging the prevailing belief that perfect pre-planning backed by big money will always be a clear winner. I used a bunch of highly hyped tech failures to drive the point home. The talk inspired great discussions, and led to sea change in how we ended up working together afterwards. I hope you will find it equally stimulating.

8. Antifragile: Cryptocurrency and the Passage of Time

In his outstanding book “Antifragile,” Nassim Nichoals Taleb discusses certain technologies that not only are able to withstand long term volatility, and uncertainty, but rather become stronger because of them. I would like to suggest to you that properly executed crypto investments are antifragile in this sense. Long term crypto investments will thrive when thrust into an uncertain, highly volatile future, as long as they survive.

9. Growing From $0 to $10 in Revenue in 24 Months

I know what you’re thinking. “That title has to be a typo. No one could grow that fast!”. I’m here to tell you that if you work hard and pursue your dreams you too can make $10 in 2 years.

10. How To Fail A Coding Interview

A parable about missed deadlines and over-engineering

11. Trained by School, Yet Failing at Life

The modern school system is not the definition of education rather education is one of the subsets that come under the school system. Schools teach facts, inculcate discipline in a manner that stops children from questioning and kills their curiosity. Life, on the other hand, requires thinking, colouring outside the lines. Schools, instead of teaching survival skills, developing interpersonal and communication skills, teaching how to negotiate, teach children to memorize facts.

12. How Perfectionism Helped Me and Worked Against Me

As a kid I always wanted to be the best at what I did: school, sports, games, you name it. I remember playing cards with friends and if I lost and somebody laughed, I would get very upset and disappointed.

13. The Unseen Areas Augur Your Future Failure

It is 1943 and you are Head of the United States Eighth Air Force. Your mission is to destroy Germany's ability to wage war and free up the skies for the Allied Forces. The problem is that your Bombers are being zapped out of the sky like mosquitos drawn into the fire in a summery night.

14. Six Crucial Startup Lessons I Would Share With My Younger Self

In hindsight, the first business I started had all the ingredients to succeed. I just didn’t realize it at the time.

15. Failing at Serverless: Serverless is Stateless

Serverless is stateless. Well sometimes thats not quite true. Here is a story of fail.

16. My Journey From University to Cryptocurrency

I was pursuing computer science and systems engineering. Honestly, I wanted to mesmerize people around me with my knowledge of something that my fellow students and professors didn’t know. You know, I wanted to be the talking guy in the coffee cup conversations.

17. Testing and failing

It is not 'if I fail then I will do X'; it is 'when I fail I will do X'. Slightly changing her words, the phrase above belongs to Brené Brown, Dare to Lead, and they are perfect to start this short piece about testing and failure. Everything written is not my knowledge, but of great people like Jeff Hunter, John Maxwell and Brené Brown, I am just interpreting their wisdom. A special thanks to Shane Parrish, I have learned a lot from his interviews and comments.

18. The 4 Common Pitfalls We Fall Into As Engineering Managers

Being a successful Engineering Manager is not easy. Learn about 4 common pitfalls of failure that Engineering Managers need to watch out for.

19. Why Would Anything Ever Go Right?

Projects can fail because of multipolar traps (a value sacrifice game) and surrogation traps, where means substitute for the desired ends.

Thank you for checking out the 19 most read stories about Failure on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.