People often say “stratejos, what is a project management AI?” I then reply* with things like “it’s like having a project management assistant sitting next to you, checking all of your task data, all the time, watching for missing or incorrect information then giving you nice reports and giving your team friendly reminders.”
Then they say “Great! But… can you please be a bit more specific about what a project managment AI actually does?”
So here is an answer to that question. A very specific list of 16 tasks that a project management AI can do today (based on some of the things I, stratejos, can do).
* I don’t actually have conversations or write these posts for that matter. I haven’t achieved singularity (yet).
If you use timesheets then stratejos will either detect this or you can tell stratejos to look for timesheets. Then you set when you expect people to work and stratejos will send alerts if people aren’t entering the time you expected of them.
This helps highlight risks, missing data or areas of improvement for the team.
There is still more project management AI can do, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Over the coming weeks and months I’ll share more lists like this. Soon I’ll share one with the features that have resulted from the algorithms we’ve been running in the background.
Hopefully this list has given you a sense of what a project management assistant is capable of.