130 Stories To Learn About Dotnetby@learn
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130 Stories To Learn About Dotnet

by Learn RepoApril 26th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Dotnet via these 130 free HackerNoon stories.
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Let's learn about Dotnet via these 130 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Modularity Concept in Java and .Net

Modularity is central to modern software engineering - or may be all type of engineering not just software. We’ll explore support for modularity in Java and .Net platforms, but before that let’s first try to find answers for what and why of modularity.

2. The Difference Between Covariance and Contravariance in .NET C#

Simple explanation of DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#) Variance, Invariance, Covariance, and Contravariance. Providing a Cheat Sheet.

3. Higher Order Functions in C#: A Practical Example

If you have been programming for any length of time, you may well have come across higher-order functions but may not have fully appreciated them.

4. How to Use Common EditorConfig as a NuGet Package

The story is about how to create a NuGet package with a .editorconfig and import it to all the projects.

5. Creating a PDF File Programmatically in C#

IronPDF is a .NET library for creating PDFs programatically. It's fast, simple, and easy to use.

6. C# 8.0 Indices and Ranges

Compared to other languages, C# was way behind in capabilities to handle data efficiently. Well, those days are over now. Microsoft just improved the C# syntax, making it easier for developers to manage data in arrays.

7. Building Your Own Toolbox with Extension Methods in C#

Extension methods are one of the coolest features of C#. It allows our custom methods to be used on the objects without needing to extend or change the underlying class.

8. How to use Azure Functions Core Tools to create a local.settings.json file and run Functions locally

We use Azure Function Core Tools to create a local.settings.json file and import our Function settings to that file so we can run our Functions locally.

9. Fun with Flags: How to Make Flags in C# with Enums and Bit Shifting

Vexillology and Bit Shifting are often not talked about together. Today though, I encode numbers like 52357729848 into country flags using enums in C#.

10. .NET Framework Programming: Architecture, Usage and Advantages

.NET is a software framework that is designed and created by Microsoft. The principal variant of .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002. In simple words, it is a virtual machine for arranging and executing programs written in various languages like C#, VB.Net and so forth.

11. How to Generate a QR Code Image in Four Lines of Code

QR code is a computer-readable identification that contains data about the item to which it is attached. The article demonstrates how to generate QR-Code image.

12. Microsoft's DAPR (Distributed Application Runtime): An Overview

Discover the powerful capabilities of Dapr by implementing a sample application with microservices leveraging the actor model to foster its strengths.

13. How to Fix Error CS0246: "Type or namespace not found" in .NET Core

Diving into error CS0246 - type or namespace could not be found, what it means, why it happens, and how to solve it.

14. How To Write Decoupled Code with MediatR: The Mediator Pattern

I recently wrote a blog post introducing some of my favourite NuGet packages: My Top 4 NuGet Packages for ASP.NET Core. In that post, I briefly introduced a package called MediatR. Today, I will dedicate this post to revisiting MediatR in further detail.

15. How to Publish NuGet Packages to a Private Feed Using Azure Artifacts

We can publish NuGet packages to internal feeds hosted in Azure Artifacts easily via pipelines defined in YAML files.

16. Complex Refactoring With Roslyn Compilers

Let’s imagine the monolith project with an enormous code base that has been developed for a couple of decades (unbelievable, right?). This project is probably going to have a myriad of features and a considerable (hopefully!) number of automated tests covering the verification of our priceless features on multiple levels. All the way up the famous, or infamous, depending on who’re you gonna ask, testing pyramid from the unit foundation down below to the end-to-end peak high above.

17. ASP.Net Core Blazor Hosting Models

It is very glad to see that the web technology is improvising day by day. One such notable improvement is the introduction of WebAssembly and direct usage of them in evergreen browsers.

18. Should i Build An Analyzer for C# or .NET?

edit: Unlike the conclusion of the post below, I based the analyzer on C# CaaS and not .NET IL. Its now available to use The latter doesn't preserve the order of members of a class either in the dll or pdb. Although, after looking at some open source C# projects, this capability wasn't used by default.

19. How to Run C# Azure Functions in an Isolated Process

We can run our C# Azure Functions in an isolated process, decoupling the version of .NET that we use in our functions from the runtime version.

20. What's Pattern Matching in C# 8.0?

Is it me or Functional programming (FP) seems to be trending lately? FP languages like Haskell, Elixir, and F# are stronger than ever and large frameworks try to adopt a more functional approach. Even C# tries to include functional constructs in the language.

21. How to Build Token Refresh Service for the Fitbit API in Azure

We can generate a refresh and access token required to call the Fitbit API programmatically with a simple Timer trigger function in Azure.

22. What’s Wrong With GraphQL?

While GraphQL offers several benefits, there are some potential disadvantages and challenges to using it in C# to consider, before you decide to implement it.

23. Testing in C#: Property-Based Testing With Input Generators


24. How to Use Assertion Scopes to Execute Multiple Assertions in C#

Fluent Assertions is a .NET library that provides use with a bunch of useful extension methods that allow us to test our C# code in a more natural way

25. Property-Based Testing: The Diamond Kata, First and Last Line Content


26. Exploring the .NET Core and Python Union

Here's a simple solution for being able to call Python code from your C# applications!

27. How to Add GraphQL Wrapper Over REST API

How to add GraphQL wrapper along with swagger documentation in ASP.Net C# using NSwag tool

28. The Ultimate C# .Net Testing Setup

Basically, we need to ability to write test classes and methods and have the base infrastructure for them.

29. How to Manipulate DateTime in .NET to Help you Code Better

Testing code that uses .NET's DateTime.Now sucks!!!! This is how to mock them, to properly validate DateTime when writing unit tests.

30. Replace the Placeholders in a Text With the Values of the Object

Tutorial on how to easily replace 1 line of code placeholder in any text with value of an object.

31. Accessing the Record Type in C# for Earlier .NET Versions

Are you stuck on earlier versions of .NET but want to get your hands on the hot new record types? Fear not! Check out this simple solution to simplify things!

32. Advanced Property Pattern Techniques in C# 8.0

The article describes how pattern matching effectively utilises and processes data in forms not part of the primary system.

33. How to Call a Stored Procedure Using Dapper in C#

Dapper is a popular and easy-to-use object-relational mapping (ORM) tool for .NET developers. It is lightweight, fast, and provides a simple way to execute SQL

34. A Guide to Using Scoped Services Inside Singletons


35. How to Create a Blazor Component Without Lifecycle Methods

In this blog post, I am going to share how I created a Blazor component without life-cycle methods and razor file syntax. We could also say this as class only component approach but without life-cycle methods. Many of them might knew this way of component rendering, but I felt like sharing this would help other folks who doesn’t know. I found this approach after going through various components used in Blazor source code.

36. C# 8.0 Nullable Reference Types Are Here

C# 8.0 just rolled out with plenty of new features. One of the most important is the support of nullable reference types (NRT). A bunch of words that don't seem to explain what it does. I mean, aren't all types (except value types) already nullable?

37. Introduction To Property-Based Testing in C#


38. How to Create a Dependency Aggregate Class to Manage DI: Clearly Exemplified

Dependency injection (DI) is a wonderful thing. Simply add your dependency as a parameter to the constructor (most commonly) of your class, register it with you DI container, and away you go - the DI container will manage the rest. Some of the key benefits of DI are: greater testability, greater maintainability, and greater reusability.

39. What is a Façade Design Pattern?

Use the facade design pattern to simplify the interaction between subsystems. It provides a single entry point to a subsystem,

40. Start Your C# Journey With This Guide

As new programmers, we all have to get started somewhere. If you're looking into C# and want to get learning, then this article focuses on all of the C# basics!

41. Pattern Matching in C# for Complex Scenarios: An Extension on Property Patterns

The article describes how pattern matching effectively utilises and processes data in forms not part of the primary system.

42. The Top 4 Nuget Packages According to This Software Developer

Software development is a complex task and as a developer you gain nothing from "reinventing the wheel". I'm a firm believer that you should make your life as easy as possible as a developer, by using tried and tested packages where possible; it will take so much headache out of your development experience.

43. What You Didn’t Know About Task EventHandlers

If you're writing asynchronous code in C# and using EventHandlers, odds are you've had issues with exceptions. Task EventHandlers might be consideration!

44. Exercises on Dependency Injection in ASP.NET: Introduction

In this post, we will do some exercises to go over the basics of DI (Dependency Injection) in ASP.NET.

45. How to Use C# Azure.Data.Tables SDK with Azure Cosmos DB

In this article, I’ll show you how we can perform simple operations against a Azure Cosmos DB Table API account using the new Azure.Data.Table C# SDK.

46. Using GitHub Actions To Publish NuGet Packages [A Step-by-Step Guide]

In the world of DevOps automation, manually creating and uploading packages felt so old-fashioned (don't get me started on Azure Devops).

47. From Novice to Expert: How I Mastered Web Development

Becoming an expert in Microsoft web development is no easy feat. It requires a significant amount of time, dedication, and hard work. However, the rewards that

48. Writing Multithread Code with Task Parallel Library (TPL)

I am a big fan of executing multi-threads in an application, and it is interesting to see how quickly parallelism can solve a complex query.

49. How to Use the Builder Pattern in C#

According to Gang of Four, a creational pattern “Builder” allows to separate and reuse a specific method to build something.

50. Fully Covering .NET C# Console Application With Unit Tests

Best Practice Cover DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#) with unit tests with Test Driven Development TDD Dependency Injection DI Inversion of Control IoC Containers

51. How a .NET Core Migration Saved Us $428/mo and Boosted Performance

We achieved these results through .NET to .NET Core migration. The need emerged while we have been supporting a complex KnockoutJS-based web application.

52. .NET vs Node.js

The Contenders

53. Analyzing Your Code With SonarQube Running via Docker Image

Dockerize Your C# Code Analysis: A Beginner's Guide to SonarQube and Docker Image.

54. Understanding Tasks, BackgroundWorkers, and Threads

In C# we have access to Tasks, Threads, or BackgroundWorkers. In this article, we will explore how each one operates at a high level.

55. How Bindings in Azure Functions Work

What Bindings are in Azure Functions, How they currently work with in-process Functions, and how they work a little differently for isolated functions.

56. Creating a Self-Signed Certificate from Scratch

In today’s digital age, security is critical to any application. One way to enhance security is using SSL/TLS certificates to secure communications

57. Learn C#: A Cheat Sheet for Newcomers

C# (pronounced “C sharp”) is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for creating desktop applications, games,

58. Figuring Out When Not To Use DI, IoC, and IoC Containers in .NET C#

Learn the best practice on when to use Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control (IoC) and IoC Containers. DotNet .NET CSharp C# Design Architecture

59. The Main Equations That Can Make Paging/Partitioning Easy

Learn paging/partitioning mathematical equations and how to apply them in JavaScript (JS) and DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#) code. Coding Programming Development

60. What is New in .NET 5

.NET 5.0 was officially released this week, bringing with it a range of improvements to the .NET ecosystem. Like many .NET developers, I was quick to download it and give it a test run. This article discusses some of the most exciting new features in .NET 5.

61. How to Create a Serverless API Using Azure Cosmos DB

In this tutorial, we’ll build a Web API using Azure Functions that stores data in Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API in C#

62. How to Tame the “Async Void” in C#

Most intermediate dotnet devs writing async await code in C# will come across async void at some point. Here's a creative solution for avoiding the headaches.

63. The Battle Continues Between Dapper and EF Core

Dapper and EF Core are popular .NET libraries for data access and management. Both have strengths and weaknesses, and the choice will depend on the project's sp

64. OWASP Top 10 .NET Protection: A Guide (Part 1)

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

In this article, I want to cover the first part of the TOP 10 vulnerabilities and how to protect against them using .NET.

65. The .NET Framework Is The Most Suitable Language For Businesses And Here's Why

By far, Microsoft .NET is one of the best platforms for building secure, robust, and scalable desktop or web applications. Used by most Fortune 500 companies, Microsoft .NET is very popular for large-scale applications.

66. Exploring the Potential of Bioinformatics with C#

In this article, we'll examine how to apply bioinformatics and C# coding to effectively deal with biological information.

67. OWASP Top 10 .NET Protection Guide (Part 2)

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

68. How To Optimize Background Tasks Using Hangfire and ASP.NET Core

Hangfire is a .NET library that makes it really easy to adding background tasks to your .NET app. It supports one-off "fire and forget" tasks, as well as scheduling recurring tasks. On top of that it supports persistence, so all of your tasks will continue to exist even after restarting your app.

69. A Guide to Running ASP.NET Core & SQL Server from Docker

I've recently gotten into using Docker in my development cycle and I'm really enjoying how much of a wonderful tool it is. One thing that always used to be a pain was setting up a development server to run SQL Server. Now with Docker, I can just spin up a Docker container and I instantly have a SQL Server ready to go.

70. How to Transform Your C# Code With the Command Design Pattern

Command Design Pattern is one of the behavioural design patterns used to encapsulate a request as an object, thus enabling to parameterize clients with differen

71. How to Build The Flames Love Calculator Game in C#

Discover the true spark of your love with this fun and romantic game! Enter your name and the name of your partner, and let Flame Game do the rest.

72. .NET Authentication Security Notes

In this article, we discuss how to protect users' authentication and session in .net, as well as Identity Server configuration.

73. How to Use Azure Functions to Build a QR Code Generator

How to build a fun QR code project and learn about Azure Functions at the same time. Using the latest .NET technologies.

74. How to Use .NET C# for Web Scraping

A guide on how to do Web Scraping in DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#), with examples. Software Development Coding Programming Selenium HtmlAgilityPack Puppeteer

75. How to Stop String.GetHashCode() in .NET C# from Driving You Crazy

Know when to depend on String.GetHashCode() in DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#), and when not. Coding Programming Software Development Engineering Architecture

76. 5 Tips to Improve Your Productivity in C# 8.0


77. Building An Electron App with .Net, JS, HTML and CSS

.NET has two big desktop technologies. They are WinForms and WPF. But we live in a WEB world and we have many tools to create great UI using CSS and JavaScript.

78. How to Use the Iterator Pattern in C#

According to Gang of Four, the iterator pattern provides a process to obtain the aggregator object without knowing its implementation.

79. xUnit: Managing Complex Test Parameters

xUnit support many ways of parameterizing tests, however none of the existing documentation I could find covered the use case of re-using and mixing parameter datasets across different tests. This article shows how this can be done with xUnit in Visual Studio.

80. Spotting and Preventing Formatting Errors in Your Code

In this post I'll show how to use Roslyn Analyzers with C# to enforce some standards of code quality and code style on your code.

81. What's Coming in C# 9.0 [Preview of Features]

In past five years, Microsoft had made a rapid enhancements in C# by introducing a plenty major features with every new version, As planed, C# 9.0 will be officially released with .NET 5 on November 2020. So we will dive into C# 9.0 new features that released on 20 may 2020 as a Preview.

82. Interpreting Big Data: Data Science vs Data Analytics

Data Science and Data Analytics are quite diverse but are related to the processing of Big data. The difference lies in the way they manipulate data.

83. How to Set up a Formatting Standard in Your Code Editor (And Why You Should!)

In this post I'll show how to maintain a standard for everyone who works in the code, no matter the editor used.

84. Visual Studio Code: A Look at Microsoft's Open Source Offering

It seems crazy that Microsoft has a done a complete one-eighty of their position on open-source software. Learn how VS Code works.

85. An Easy Guide to Learn EF Core Migrations

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that allows developers to interact with databases using .NET objects. One of the

86. Use Headless CMS And Be Awesome

OK, so the headless CMS is nothing new. There are many headless CMS providers to choose from. Some examples of providers are Contentful, Prismic, and Kentico Kontent. For the most part, they provide very similar features and price plans. Let's take a look at what the headless CMS is and why you should consider it for your team.

87. Overloading Vs. Overriding in C#

Method overloading and overriding are two common forms of polymorphism ( the ability for a method or class to have multiple forms) in C# that are often confused because of their similar sounding names. In this article, we show the difference between the two with some practical code examples.

88. Software Development for Beginners

In this article we are going to explore this huge and passionate world of software development by demystifying what it really is and how can we get started in this field.

89. Who Wins The Battle Between .Net Core and .Net Frameworks in 2022?

Entrepreneurs and startups are always confused about choosing between .Net Core vs .Net Framework due to their high functionalities and popularity.

90. Understanding Chain of Responsibility Pattern in C#

According to Gang of Four, it defines a chain of responsibilities to process a request. In other words, pass the request from one object to another until an obj

91. Using Azure SignalR Service In DotNetify

How dotNetify implemented horizontal scaling of SignalR apps with proxy instead of a backplane.

92. JavaScript Interop and ASP.NET Core Blazor

Blazor is here, Will JavaScript be dead? I would say that the answer is NO at-least for now.

93. How Lazy Loading Works in EF 8 Preview Release

Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that provides a set of tools to work with databases in an object-oriented way.

94. How to Use OpenTelemetry to Identify Database Dependencies

Tired of debugging your application to find out its database dependencies? There is a smarter way to track them with OpenTelemetry.

95. Build and Deploy a Blazor App Without Touching a Windows Machine

Do you want to try out Blazor, but you're not a Windows person? Strictly a Linux developer? You're in luck. One of the goals of .NET Core is to be cross-platform, so today we'll see just how "cross-platform" it really is with Blazor, Microsoft's hot new front end development project.

96. Don't Get Bitten by Hidden Bugs: Test Driven Development (TDD) and AAA Testing via xUnit

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development cycle that focusses on describing the behaviour of your code first using tests

97. What You Need to Know About the Unit in Work in C#

The Unit of Work design pattern is a software design pattern that is widely used in software development. It is a way to group database-related operations

98. Embedded data analytics and reporting tools that empowers Business analysts

Embedded data analytics and reporting tools that empowers Business analysts

99. A Guide to Using MongoDB Database in a ASP NET Core Web API Application

When you think about database providers for ASP NET Core apps, you probably think about Entity Framework Core (EF Core), which handles interacting with SQL databases. But what about the NoSQL options? A popular option for NoSQL is MongoDB. So in this article we're going to learn how to create a simple ASP NET Core CRUD API using MongoDB as the database provider.

100. Importing, Exporting CSV and Excel XLSX in .NET C# Applications

Learn how to import and export CSV and Excel XLSX in .NET C# applications.

101. How to Run a Microsoft .NET Docker Image in C#

Docker has become an essential tool in modern software development, providing an efficient and portable way to package and distribute applications.

102. Top 25 C# Programming Tips

Hi everyone! There is a lot of information about different C# features. About various life hacks and best practices in this language. I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for working with this language.

103. Dapper Best Practices: C# Developers' Guide to Database Management

Dapper is an open-source ORM tool that is easy to use and lightweight, which makes it a popular choice for .NET developers. It is designed to work with various

104. An Introduction to F# as Microsoft's / .NET's Answer to a Functional-First Programming Language

Recently I've been learning how to write code in F#. For those who haven't heard of it, F# is Microsoft's/.NET's answer to a functional-first programming language. My motivation was to learn a functional programming language that would make coding for scientific computing and data analysis more expressive, concise, and maintainable, all while fitting seamlessly into the .NET ecosystem that I already know and love. F# fits that bill perfectly.

105. .NET Garbage Collection, Here We Go!

This post discusses the aggressive and hungry nature of the garbage collection process in .NET as well as a concept that is often referred to as eager root collection.

106. 5 Performance Tips For .Net Developers

Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you some .Net 5 performance tips with benchmarking!

107. Sharing My Experience Attending MS Build 2020

This year was a special edition of MS Build; for obvious reasons, it was 100% virtual. I must say that I had my doubts at first, but I'm forced to admit that Microsoft nailed it. The experience was fantastic. I liked the personal schedule builder and the rebroadcast in 3 different timezones, to only name a few things. Microsoft even took the time to ship the conference's gear to all attendees, DIRECTLY to their doorstep, what a nice touch.

108. How to Build a Web App with ASP NET Core and Vue

In this article, I will teach you the basics of making your own web app, by creating a checklist app. ASP NET Core will be used to create a CRUD API and Vue will be used to create the frontend UI. Using the knowledge gained here, you should be able to apply it to start making your own web apps. You can find the complete solution in the GitHub repository.

109. Authentication in Web Apps: Connecting Auth0, ASP.NET Core and Nuxt.js

User authentication and authorization can be difficult and time consuming. Getting it wrong can also have disastrous consequences, such as malicious users accessing and stealing personal or sensitive information from your app.

110. Secure .NET 6/7 Applications with Built-In Security Features

To assist developers in designing safe applications, the most recent version of the.NET platform, .NET 6, has various built-in security capabilities.

111. How to Create Multi-Container Applications With Docker Compose and C#

Creating a multi-container application can be daunting, but Docker Compose and C# can make it much more straightforward. This article will walk us through the s

112. How to Simplify Data Access Using EF

The repository architectural pattern is frequently employed in software development to segregate an application's business logic from the data access layer. It

113. The Basics of a Standard Type Inference Technique

Type inference is a common feature among mainstream programming languages. The functional ones, like ML and Haskell, are pioneers in exploring this programming paradigm where the declaration of a variable or a function may omit a type annotation. Today, even classic imperative languages such as C++ offer, to a certain extent, a kind of type inference.

114. A Better Implementation of Enhanced Repository Pattern in .NET C#

Implement a better enhanced Repository Pattern in DotNet (.NET ) CSharp (C# ) following best practices Dependency Injection (DI) Inversion of Control (IoC)

115. Using the Builder Design Pattern in .NET C# to Develop a Fluent API

A step-by-step guide to developing a Fluent API from scratch in .NET C# using the Builder Design Pattern.

116. Is it Enough to Define IMyInterface<T>? Do I Need IMyInterface as Well?

Best Practice for designing Interfaces in DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#). When to define a non-generic interface in addition to the generic interface.

117. How to Avoid Code Smells - A NDepend Tutorial

.NET developers can evaluate and visualize the codebase using the robust static analysis tool NDepend. It aids programmers in understanding the quality and main

118. How to Query Multiple Results with Dapper ORM Efficiently

Dapper is a powerful and lightweight Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for C#. It is designed to be simple and fast, allowing developers to execute SQL query

119. How A Headless CMS Could Help Your Team To Be Awesome

OK, so the headless CMS is nothing new. There are many headless CMS providers to choose from. Some examples of providers are Contentful, Prismic, and Kentico Kontent. For the most part, they provide very similar features and price plans. Let's take a look at what the headless CMS is and why you should consider it for your team.

120. Fully Covering I/O File Based Applications in .NET C# Using Unit Tests

How to achieve 100% coverage of I/O file based applications in DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#) Test Driven Development (TDD) Development Software Best Practices

121. Creating an RDL Report in .NET C# Code

Learn how to create an RDL report in code in no time!

122. How to Build and Deploy C# Azure Functions using Multi-Stage Pipelines in Azure DevOps

Using YAML Build pipelines, we can define our entire build and release pipeline in a single file!

123. Essential Guide to Running Nuxt from an ASP.NET Core Web Application

It is becoming a common pattern to see websites and web apps written as a front end single page application (SPA) connected to a backend API. For this reason, the Visual Studio provides a several project templates for getting up and going with a Web API + SPA project.

124. Upgrade Your Web Development Game with HTTP/3 in .Net 6

HTTP/3 is the latest HTTP protocol version designed to improve web application performance and security. Built on top of the QUIC protocol, HTTP/3 provides fast

125. EF Core Migrations: A Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that allows developers to interact with databases using .NET objects. One of the

126. What to be Wary of With Iterators and Collections in C#

Which approach is better: an iterator or a materialized collection? In this article we explore common pitfalls with BOTH of these different approaches!

127. How to Backup Your Microsoft Azure Storage Accounts

Azure Storage Account is one of the foundation services of Azure. Pretty much all other services use it under the cover in a way or another. This service is simple, works great, and has crazy SLA and redundancy capabilities. However, it doesn't provide a point in time restore. Meaning that if you corrupt or delete some data, there's no way to recover it. There are some solutions that you can find over the internet, but unfortunately, none of them is a silver bullet. Let's explore and compare some of them.

128. LINQ Query: Benefits of Deferred Execution

If you've spent much time around C# and .NET, it's likely that you will have come across LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), which allows you to use a range of powerful querying capabilities directly in the C# language.

129. Give Your .NET Object A Shot Of Lifeline [Tutorial]

In my previous post, I discussed the eager root collection as an aggressive behavior of JIT (in Release mode / optimized code) to assist the garbage collector (GC), so that a object is not considered to be a root beyond the point of its usage.

130. [Tutorial] Give Your .NET Object A Shot Of Lifeline

In my previous post, I discussed the eager root collection as an aggressive behavior of JIT (in Release mode / optimized code) to assist the garbage collector (GC), so that a object is not considered to be a root beyond the point of its usage.

Thank you for checking out the 130 most read stories about Dotnet on HackerNoon.

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