In this guide, you'll learn what is legacy code, its characteristics, tools, and the best practices for working effectively with legacy code and technical debt.
As a developer, you’re always looking for cutting-edge tools, tricks, and extensions. Here are 7 tools that'll improve your productivity and efficiency.
Many of us know about includes, joins but sometimes we confuse about their usage. As I was experimenting with code refactoring in one of my projects, there I have tried these things. So I thought I can share these findings with you guys.
Enhancing product functionality, reducing deterioration, and satisfying the needs of users - all of that is achieved through software maintenance.
5 easy wins to refactor even the worst legacy code
In this short, but nonetheless useful article, I have summarized the most beneficial tips for writing clean code. These rules are independent of the language you use and are invaluable for both beginners and experienced programmers.
The more I learn about coding, the more inspired I get about how creative and revolutionary some of these ideas are. From the readability of Ruby, to a world of hashes in Javascript, these ideas keep renewing the way we think and evolve the tech world all the time.
If you’re looking at ways to clean up our code, reduce complexity and improve functionality - these refactoring extensions will help you move faster.
Use these 6 VS Code extensions that help devs get organised and work effectively.
I was recently asked to answer the somewhat vague question, “How do you interact with a large undocumented code base?”
Using JSON Mapping to Work with APIs of Various Image Services. This approach is applicable to any other services that are similar in type of returned results.
This article summarizes my experience as a writer during the pandemic year 2021
Many engineering teams get stuck and cannot ship quality software fast because of technical debt. The best engineering teams I've talked to use the right tools.
The Y2K22 Bug is the consequence o very bad software design
The most beautiful code, the most beautiful functions, and the most beautiful programs are sometimes not there at all.
I see many Engineering teams under huge pressure to build fast and often lacking time to fix and clean up their codebase.
Maximiliano Contieri from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Software Development Awards Category for Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - REFACTORING.
It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved.
Are you Developer doing FrontEnd? Are you using Webpack?
Let's talk about legacy code and its refactoring
Another new fancy AI tool. We keep getting closer to the singularity. But not on programming.
What is refactoring? Why do we go through the trouble of improving code that works?
Warning: Setters Considered Smelly
Release early, release often — just don’t forget to refactor ;)
“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live” — John F. Woods
It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong.
I recently came across a route handler that was 2k LOK (lines of code). This possibly happened due to lack of rules and guidelines in place. I tried to understand the control flow, but 3 mouse scrolls down I was forgetting where I have started and what it's all about. Just a hint (not actual project code):
Alex is a software engineering veteran with over 30 years of hands-on professional experience. He is a staunch advocate of Extreme Programming and TDD.
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
In this article, I want to share my practice and tips about refactoring on Compose.
Code smells are a classic. It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved.
Imagine you have several blocks of similar layout which are hard-coded on the frontend side. These blocks are not dynamic, they are not being fetched from back-end, it’s just a layout. Most beginners, when they see similar blocks of layout, start to think about arrays as a tool to handle similar stuff.
Inevitably, we’ll someday come across legacy software, inconsistent databases, or integration modules that simply don’t work. It might sound wise to fix this software, especially if they’re crucial to the business. The problem that refactoring costs development and validation time, and the business does not always have this time to invest, but at the same time needs the fix. How can we both deliver the business requirements in time and still not break everything?
There are a set of skills and qualities which make the ideal software developer we are all searching to be or searching for to employ. However, right now I am going to emphasize the importance of a quality that is mostly found in senior developers.
How to debug your code the easy way
More smells on the way.
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong.
The 2020 Noonies are here and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Maximiliano Contieri from Argentina, who’s has been nominated for in the Software Development category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Maximiliano .
In this article, I’m not gonna talk about specific code refactoring details but some critical issues of this project.
The term Bug sounds like an excuse out of our scope infecting our systems. It is not. Software quality is under our control. It is our responsibility to deliver
More code smells incoming
The smell of code smells is a classic, but you should look at it more carefully if you want to improve your code smell.
Technical debt is a common term in software engineering management. It has been the target of debates for many years. The name comes from a financial analogy because some people defend that developers buy time by shipping faster (and with lower-than-expected quality).
"Let's limit the scope of this." is your new motto :-) Start learning the codebase by fixing bugs.
In the article, we cover the topic of code refactoring and discuss the value of the process.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not required fixed per se… (You should look into it though.)
This story is about pain, agony, and denial of ready-made solutions. It is also about changes that improve the code’s readability and help the development team stay happy. The object of this post is an interface that helps a program communicate with a database.
Identifying smells in your code and debugging the easy way.
It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved.
This article will guide you through the process to craft a technical debt proposal to justify the time spent solving technical issues.
Beginners are afraid to remove code. And many seniors too.
Yesterday, 2022 Oct 7th one of the larger blockchains had to be halted. This news was shocking since most blockchains are decentralized by definition.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. Therefore, they are not required to be fixed per se… (You should look into it, though.)
Code churn is a measure or indication of how often a file changes. It typically refers to how often a developer throws out code
Ye olde Reliable Data Structures and Their Controversial (Write) Access.
I interviewed Adam Tornhill, CTO & Co-founder of CodeScene, about technical debt: what is it, why is it important, and how to manage it effectively?
Originally published at Managing Technical Debt.
Code is dependent on data and models, and therefore on the abstractions used in them, so refactoring is inevitable today. Why? Usually, refactoring means change
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not required fixed per se… (You should look into it though.)
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
This article looks at how you can refactor your code using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Visual Studio Code plugins.
I asked a bunch of developers to share some of their horror stories of technical debt.
TODOs are a tricky subject for developers. Many codebases are guilty of having TODOs linger around while nobody knows who’s responsible for a TODO or even has the required context to tackle it. Yet, should we feel ashamed for our lingering TODOs?
During a recent, mock technical interview, I was given the following problem to solve.
TL;DR: It's time to spring clean your work-life, and make space for joy. Get rid of extraneous work, add a bit of mindfulness, and the WFH world is yours. You can do this regardless of who you are, but if you are the CEO or in a managerial position, the imperative is much higher.
Technical debt metrics help you to monitor deficiencies in your current codebase. We decided to look at how they work, and pick out the best tracking tools.
Low-code is a means to develop applications with visual, intent-driven development tools reducing the need to create lines of custom code.
We keep practicing this amazing Kata and learning. You can follow the steps!
Every software company has some amount of technical debt, which is additional development work created in the long-term by taking a shortcut in the short-term to get code out the door. Technical debt can take the form of poor design decisions, much-needed refactorings, technology upgrades, and outstanding bugs.
Code refactoring provides a well-needed mental break for developers, and I think many devs can relate to this. Writing code all day is very demanding, especially if you create new functionality day by day. It’s a taxing exercise, and developers often need some space to think about the codebase's overall organization and look back on what can be improved.
More code smells for your reading pleasure
Excessive concern about the beauty of the source code can compromise the outcome of a project.
Alex Omeyer from the United States has been nominated for TWO 2020 Noonies in the Future Heroes and Development award categories. Without further ado, we present to you, this big techy world, from the perspective of Alex - right after this ad break:
Recently, I had to deal with an old codebase that was difficult to maintain and scale. In this article, I'll share how my team and I decided to deal with maintenance and the best practices we implemented to reduce time spent on refactoring.
The other day I was reading up on the legendary React God Dan Ambrov’s great but very un-TLDR post on useEffect.
Developing a complete word game is very easy with TDD
The code smells bad. Let’s see how to change the aromas. In this series, we will see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our developments. We will present possible solutions. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not rigid rules.
Ye olde Reliable Data Structures and Their Controversial (Read) Access.
Using objects as data structures is an established practice that generates many problems associated with the maintainability and evolution of software. It misuses brilliant concepts that were stated five decades ago. In this second part we will reflect on the reading access of these objects.
Let’s imagine the monolith project with an enormous code base that has been developed for a couple of decades (unbelievable, right?). This project is probably going to have a myriad of features and a considerable (hopefully!) number of automated tests covering the verification of our priceless features on multiple levels. All the way up the famous, or infamous, depending on who’re you gonna ask, testing pyramid from the unit foundation down below to the end-to-end peak high above.
The most complete curated collection of software and programming quotes
10 Ways to refactor Python code to make it more Pythonic
Why the first instruction we learn to program should be the last to use.
Last week we hosted a webinar where I interviewed Adam Tornhill, CTO & Co-founder of CodeScene, about technical debt: what is it, why is it important, and how to manage it effectively.
In this guide, you’ll learn all about refactoring source code: the benefits, challenges, tools, and best practices, and what is the difference between refactoring and technical debt.
There are more code smells. Let’s keep changing the aromas. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development. Let's look at some possible solutions.
With much of the DevOps stack having matured and good practices becoming more mainstream, the need for quality in software has quickly become a central issue
The importance of code refactoring is immeasurable since its purpose is to simplify the code for better performance. ⚡Use all the benefits now.
I stumbled upon a thread recently where the question was posed, “What are some common mistakes when refactoring code?”
Are we done on code smells? Guess not.
The Rule: When naming a variable, don't encode it's type into its name, even in a dynamically typed language.
Are we tired with code smells? Not yet!
We all agree: a good name is always the most important thing. Let’s find them.
Developers deal with technical debt every day, and they know how to prevent and manage it better than anyone else. Here’s just some of what they had to say.
We all love T.D.D. We know its benefits, we have read a thousand tutorials on how to build a system using this technique. But this not feasible for currently legacy systems.
Are we done on code smells? Probably never!
I blog about clean code, refactoring and TDD. I have been working on the industry for the past 25 years
Yet more code smells? Plenty of!
In this guide, you will learn why it is important to write code comments, what are different code comment types, and the 4 best practices.
Repository: entronad/crypto-es
This another code smell chapter
There are yet more code smells. Let’s keep changing the aromas. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
Is your team still using Python 2? If you’re not sure, now is a really good time to check. In April, the Python team released version 2.7.18, and it will be the last version of Python 2.x. If security vulnerabilities or other bugs are discovered going forward, they will NOT be fixed. To ensure that your software is secure and functioning properly, it’s imperative to develop a plan for migrating to Python 3. Numerous strategies can be found online. This post outlines an approach that we recommend you take.
Building models and solutions in software is not just about programming. We will review Peter Naur's classic paper.
More code smells. No joke. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
Yet more code smells? Aren't them enough?
An exercise improving legacy code
This post contains a step-by-step example of a refactoring session guided by tests. When dealing with untested or legacy code refactoring is dangerous and tests can help us do it the right way, minimizing the amount of bugs we introduce, and possibly completely avoiding them.
The Rule: Whenever you name a variable, function, or class, ask if it is concise, honest, expressive, and complete.
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