Hacktoberfest is here, and this time we want to know everything about your open-source contributions to this season. So, what are you waiting for!
If you want to accelerate Trino queries with a response time of seconds to minutes, click here to learn how Trino helps engineers.
The story of SQLite and it's inventor D. Richard Hipp. A proof of how open source software movement is destined to change the world in a positive direction.
Signal doesn’t store any personal data and is highly transparent about their work because they are an open-source organization rather than a corporation.
The Man Who Fell To Earth : The future of human curiosity is decentralized and open source.
Hear Kunal Kushwaha's story - DevRel Manager at Civo, founder of Community Classroom and Kubeworld + Twilio Developer Searchlight Honoree
A tribute to the GNU project, the free software movement, and Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS).
Malware attacks in open source ecosystems have exponentially increased in the last 2 years. How do we build cybersecurity that scales to meet this challenge?
At first I was a little overwhelmed when I approached the Firefox-voice repository because I had very little experience working with such a large codebase, the code base with a lot of people making contributions. I had to spend a lot of time to setting up communication, running the project locally (with the help of project Readme). I had to spend a very good amount of time understanding the directories, and how to set up the Project on my local machine just to get the application to run. It was really challenging to get this project running at first, I was about to give up but again thanks to the mentor for a fine readme which was helpful in setting this project up and running. As a beginner or someone not familiar with the terms and project niche, it was really hard for me to understand the actual purpose of the project.
Open source software has a lot of admirers, and very often nowadays when a new project is about to be developed, it is generally implied it is going to be done using OSS. Paradoxically, interest in this software has generated a lot of distortions and misconceptions that in practice sometimes prevent its trust among non-experienced users.
An interview with the Head of Development, Jindrich Kubat at KB Bank. Digital Transformation with 600 developers using Flagsmith feature flags.
The ‘One Map Fits All’ approach doesn’t fit all, as it lacks the ability to support the unique use cases of an organization.
We will see the real fallout of Log4Shell in the upcoming weeks and months as right now servers worldwide are being scanned and prodded for this vulnerability.
Lots of times, companies that are hailed as heroes of open source often do things that violate human rights or go severely against freedom. These can range from predatory practices and anti-repair designs to even using child labor in third world countries.
We have gone through an era in which software and the Internet have devoured the world, and now we are all enjoying the convenience brought by software and the Internet. After returning for a few years, we can not imagine that express delivery is so convenient now, and takeaway is so convenient, everything is completely different from before. Even when we went out for tourism, a new model Airbnb or short-term rental appeared. In the old days, few people could imagine that there are so many people who rent out their free houses or even rooms for tourists. This was impossible to imagine before the prosperity of the Internet and software.
On May 12, the Eclipse Foundation launched the sixth edition of the IoT Developer Survey. We encourage developers in the IoT open source ecosystem to add your voice to the IoT Developer Survey to help the industry gain the broadest possible view of the state of IoT technologies in the context of commercial IoT!
As developers, we are fortunate enough to have at our disposal a never-ending selection of high quality libraries to choose from when we want to solve our problems. This however, creates a new problem: which one to use and why?
Tired of depending on centralized HTTP services, we found Ethereum can do the same but much more efficiently.
Programmers who have access to source code can change a program by adding to it, changing it, or fixing parts of it that aren’t working properly.
Git is an essential tool for version control, no matter what programming language or framework you use.
Growing a startup business now almost inevitability means growing the infrastructure you’ve built your business on. Costly IT often forms the bedrock of this infrastructure – so what happens if you need to grow but you don’t have the capital to invest in sophisticated systems?
Blockchain is a key emerging technology in realizing the full potential of the digital economy along with other emerging technologies and paradigms such as 5G, IoT, Cloud, AI, etc.
The Renaissance was one of the most culturally, artistically, and scientifically significant transformations in Western history. It was an age of experimentation and innovation as cataloged by da Vinici’s numerous sketches and notebooks. A hallmark of this period of creation that mirrors today is a culture of sharing, and we see that in both times, innovators benefited from spaces and mediums to explore, share, and build upon each other. It seems in these places that fantastic innovation occurs seemingly out of thin air, but it’s not magic – innovation is an iterative process filled with fits and starts, catalyzed by the ability to share and build upon each other’s work. It defined the Renaissance and it will define our age.
In my short stint as a software engineer, I've always been incredibly lucky with the people surrounding me.
Contributing to open source makes us happy as we realize that we have just made something better for many people
The Open Source Security Foundation met for Linux Foundation’s North American Summit, here are highlights to help every developer keep Open Source secure.
Yes it's free, but it's also a duty to our users. When a user commits to your hobby project it stops being just a hobby. It's becomes a product.
Use an engineering handbook, open it to all, and see your process flourish
Here are some of the best practices that you can take up for your next open source contribution.
A new standard for maintaining external libraries could boost contributions and donations to open-source projects by letting them earn a share of the profits.
Polish the trust signals of your open source project to increase your user base and grow your community.
SaaS companies built on open-source projects (also known as open-core companies) are not incentivized for their underlying project to be good
Sarah Mei goes over Richard Stallman.
Your brand is the essence of your company. It’s what your customers perceive you to be, and it’s how you portray your business to the world.
Here are 5 tips for selecting the test case management tools and save your efforts and time.
These tools can help your nonprofit understand constituents' needs better
Open source is the current norm for developer collaboration and customer adoption in software. It is the foundation that enabled unicorns and cloud providers to build their services from the ground up. But that wasn’t always the case with open source, and it is changing and evolving again.
We'll learn how you can leverage our API Developer Framework to add Edge Caching to your GraphQL APIs without locking yourself into a specific vendor.
Free as in Freedom, by Sam Williams, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. GNU/LINUX
as well as open-source projects in the data space, which primarily define the modern data stack. It is time to dive a little deeper into the topic.
DynaCLI is an open source, cloud-friendly Python library for converting pure Python functions into Linux Shell commands on the fly and unlimited.
The inexplicable popularity of the term "cloud-native" is without real meaning. "Cloud-Native Apps" is an overused (even abused) term in the tech industry.
Managing data-flows can be quite tricky in javascript. A pattern that really fascinated me over the last years is the flux architecture from facebook. Especially the redux implementation. But redux just tells you how to store your data and how to update the state. It’s really liberal in how to manage data-flows. So really awesome data-flow middleware libs where born like redux-saga and redux-observable.
WiX Toolset creates Windows installation packages from XML source code. The toolkit offers both a command-line environment and the newer MSBuild technology.
If you haven’t heard of the Universal Data Tool, it’s an open-source web or desktop program to collaborate, build and edit text, image, video, and audio datasets with labels and annotations.
Qt is a leading UI and cross-platform framework that can help you implement all these stages. It can also save your budget since it is open-source.
If you're running a website with Google Analytics installed, you may be wondering how it affects the privacy of your website's visitors. There's a growing distrust towards the digital advertising sector but what are the actual issues besides calling out 'creepy' ads? Let's discuss the wider ethical questions around personal data collection and digital targeting.
Contributions from the community are the lifeblood of an open-source project. Attracting new contributors, therefore, is one of the most important parts of building an active community around an open-source project. After talking to hundreds of project maintainers, we realized the easiest way to help an open-source project is to lower the bar for a new developer to start contributing.
Read an article about dotenv-linter v3.0.0 release written in Rust that includes API improvements, colored output, support for multi-line values & export prefix
A single source of truth (SSOT) enables that synchronization. A company with SSOT relies on one and only one point of reference for the latest, aggregated info.
or answering the what and how questions
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software.
Metho allows you to safely 'monkey patch' any object with new capabilities and dynamic properties. Great for extending the functionality of native JS prototypes
Open source code is code that is freely accessible to everyone and is generally developed and maintained by the general public.
This article describes how we set up docs for our open source project Saasform. Docs are part of the source code, so they're browsable and easy to maintain. Mor
No one wishes delay or waste in the crook justice system, but the plans for virtual and Video courts does not appear honest.
Last week, the government published its modern-day proposals for changes to the crook justice device, known as Swift and Sure Justice. The attention of the white paper is on rushing up court techniques, especially via using cutting-edge generation, and its proposals are being trialed all through the United States of America in the intervening time.
Sidekick is a live application debugger that lets you troubleshoot your applications while they keep on running. Here is how you can start using it in 5 minutes
The history of technology, intended here in a narrow sense as the history of information technology, rests on the shoulders of a small handful of giants.
or how to open your project to the world
Monitor your application in production or locally. Understand what's going on under the hood while debugging & change application settings on the fly.
Open source is a common technological equilibrium for exchanging intellectual and financial values. But the lack of an open funding infrastructure means, there
Learn how open source set the stage for modern product-led growth strategies in SaaS, and how to apply lessons from open source communities to PLG.
At Hackernoon, we celebrate Hacktoberfest, dedicating the entire month of October to content around open source. So, naturally, I jumped upon the opportunity to
or how to spread the word and win contributors
Without a doubt, Kubernetes is one of the top players in the container orchestration platforms game.
Real-time face recognition systems remain a very popular topic in computer vision, and a large number of companies have developed their own solutions to try and tap into the growing market.
react-cool-img is a lightweight but powerful React.js image component, which helps you handle image UX (user experience) and performance as a professional guy 🤓. It empowers the standard img tag by many cool features without breaking your original development experience. Ideally, it can be an img tag replacement for your React.js project.
In the original days of the new software stack evolution, there was a fringe section which consisted of developers getting together in old fashioned chat rooms, offline and online, and coding for the love of it. When Linus Torvalds started the project to create a new operating system it was a way of community activation. Back in university, open source wasn't known as such, Linux wasn't the paragon of open source, instead it was a good enough version that allowed one to not pay for Microsoft Windows.
k3d is wrapper around k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes, which helps to run k3d in docker containers. The blog is all about local Kubernetes development using k3d.
What follows is a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up Kong to proxy gRPC services, demonstrating two possible scenarios.
open source invading telco industry
Read an article on how to use the GitHub Actions Evrone wrote to run rubocop, brakeman, reek, fasterer, hadolint, and dotenv-linter linters on your project.
In this article, we’ll outline a widely accepted yet simple format for good commit messages.
Open source and decentralization led to the development and the evolution of the AIOps clan by making it dynamic for communities and democratizing information.
Open source today is a word that often include a lot of things, such as open knowledge (Wikimedia projects), open hardware (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), open formats (ODT/ODS/ODP) and so on.
Software that is available publicly is known as Open Source Software. People can access the code easily.
16 months after launching Lens — The Kubernetes Platform — as an open source project. How has the project come so far in such a short time?
Open source is the modern-day realization of that utopian dream.
Open source Cadence was developed by Uber, and based on the AWS SWF (Simple Workflow Service).
If you're looking to create a website for your business, blog, or online portfolio, the easiest option is to use an open-source platform to make your website.
The critical design flaw that you need to know about asterisk if you are using it in a production system. Learn about the design flaw, and an attempt to solve
"The world needs an alternative to Selenium - so we built one" - that's the story that got Peter Thomas from India nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Development award category. Peter's second Noonie Nomination is for a 3-year old OSS project, "karate". In this interview, Peter talks about what it's like to have hard work pay off, and feel like you're at the top of your coding game.
FOSS is the big boy LEGO of the Innovative World
?When you’re considering paying for a tool, you need to understand the build vs. buy argument. Open-source can completely change the build.
If you need a simple issue tracker for your app I'd recommend looking into using Github issues via the API, at least until it stops working for you!
Vim has been a friend to many and a foe to many, wanna find out what it will be for you? Then, let's try it out!
This article explores the reasons why open source has been so successful, the areas where it has not, and the differences with free tiers of software.
In this article we will get familiar with several amazing Python libraries being used by the best software teams. With the exception of HTTPX (which is in beta), the libraries listed below are being actively developed & maintained and are backed by a strong community.
In this text I will explain what is spell correction in the area of search functionality, how it works in Google, Amazon and Pinterest and will demonstrate how to make your own implementation from the ground up using custom search engine Manticore Search.
or where the journey begins
In just five years the Salesforce ecosystem has transformed from a "walled garden" to an open-sourced driven solution set.
It's not complicated to contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. This post will walk you through the steps to contribute to your first open-source project in just five minutes. We will use the GitHub repository of Nebula Graph, an open-source distributed graph database, for illustration purpose.
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since the last part but we made it! For those of you who haven’t read the previous parts or are wondering what I planned for the next parts:
RT-Thread IoT OS has partnered with LVGL, Nuvoton, WCH, and NXP to bring the Embedded GUI webinar
Software is eating the world, in all sectors. Marc Andreessen, the founder of Netscape, said it long back about how software is eating the world. He also summarised that every company is a software company these days, and software companies are poised to take over broad swathes of the economy. You’ll see DevOps clearly in 2020, where continuous updates transform the way software is delivered to a nearly-limitless marketplace. DevOps has become a must to thrive in this highly competitive technological world.
How accessible should your open source code be to the common developer?
Both open-source software and hackathons encourage collaboration between a number of skilled individuals, often rallying them around a single goal.
In this blog by Paul Brebner, Instaclustr's tech evangelist explains the Apache ZooKeeper using the famous dining philosophers problem.
If you think that open-source software is primarily the work of amateurs and single developers, your impression is outdated.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.