Hey future HackerNoon interns, we are calling for you. Apply TODAY at careers.hackernoon.com/hackership.
Contrary to expectation, interns @ HackerNoon don't have to make coffee for their "superiors" and pretend to like their jobs.
This blog covers everything from the importance of LinkedIn in getting an internship to a detailed hiring process I went through to get an internship at Zomato.
When talking to people who are new to the world of computers (and who are hoping to land a job), I like to share my story of how my career began. I don’t do this for bragging rights or to make them envious of me. Rather it’s so that they may find some inspiration in what I have to say and be able to see that anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
The first instalment in a series set to document an editorial intern's journey throughout the hackership - Hackernoon's first internship program.
Steps to Starting a Freelance Business: Getting the Right Skills, Gaining Experience with Internships, Getting Your First Sales, Social Media for Freelancers.
Last year, I was a mentee at the Hyperledger Summer Internship program, hosted by Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation.Here, I share with you some of the processes. A trick for applying is to build up some skills and to investigate the topic of the internship beforehand, if possible. Showing enthusiasm, and a sense of mission also helps. After applying, I got to know my mentor, David Huseby. Dave explained what he expected from the now realized blockchain course:Enterprise Blockchain Technologies (https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/university-course).The program was nicely paced, with my course being delivered in four phases. You can check the progress here: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/INTERN/Build+a+university+course+on+Hyperledger+Fabric+using+Hyperledger+Umbra
On 20th of February 2021 at CodeChem we organized the third Virtual Open Day, which many of us will remember for a long time.
Internships are not about coffee runs, you can get a great experience that can make you stand out when applying for your first job out of University.
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